Final Authors Note

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Dear all of you,

Thank you so much. That's literally all I can say. I haven't even finished the first line and I'm already getting emotional. I never thought I'd get this far. But from the start, you all were amazing. The amount of support and encouragement I got from all of you was mind blowing. It made my day reading your comments. So thank you. All of you. You all are amazing. If I could, I would dedicate each and every chapter to every single person that reads and gives input on my book. But there are a few people who I want to personally thank. These are people I got to talk with a bit more personally, not just about Wattpad. But even if you're not on here, still. Thank you.

1. Griff (Quidditch16) Thank you Griff for being there for me during quarantine. It was really lifesaving having someone to talk to. I enjoyed talking with you about a variety of topics. Thank you so much for all your input about my book. I was so indecisive, around half of the decisions in this book were probably made by you. I enjoyed laughing with you. So I thank you, for doing that.

2. Jack (AnonymousAgent453) Thank you Jack for also being there for me during quarantine. It was fun getting to know you personally. I wish you luck in your life. So thank you, Jack, for being there for me.

3. Leader of the Magici (AsianRebelLeader) Thank you Leader for all of your support throughout my book. From the start you were probably the first one to read each chapter, and you were probably one of my first followers. The support you gave me helped me a lot. Thank you. It was also fun talking to you and having someone I could relate to. So thank you Leader for all of that.

4. TURTLE FAN FOR LIFE (Whodaonee) Thank you for being one of the first people who I actually got to talk to on Wattpad. It was fun laughing at things together, like those Brawl Star memes I never understood (and still don't). Also I wish you luck in whatever you go to in life after Wattpad, i'm sure you had your reasons for leaving, so just good luck. :)

5. Bot (AgentBot08) Thank you Bot for being there for me. It was fun talking to you about Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I really enjoyed that. Thank you Bot for that. 

6. Agent (AgentJaydenx) Thank you so much for being there for me. It was interesting to talk with you. But I never got the jokes you made.... Hopefully one day I'll get them. Thanks once again!

So once again, thank you so much to all of you. You all are amazing. I love you all.

I looked forward to writing more books here on Wattpad, and making more memories with all of you. So before I start crying too hard, let's end this, one last time.

I hope you enjoyed this book!

From your author,

- Cookie

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