[Chapter 8]

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Unknown Location

May 14

0730 Hours


It was Catherine. Catherine had betrayed us. After all, we had been through together, after all, I did for her, she betrayed us. And Erica. She had escaped, but I was worried about her. Both mentally and physically. She would probably act as nothing had happened, but I knew she would be heartbroken inside. Catherine was as close to family as Erica would ever get.

"Wake up, Benjamin," said a voice I knew all too well.

I slowly got up into a sitting position and opened my eyes. In front of me was Catherine.

"Where am I?" I asked Catherine.

"You are in Spyder's secret base," Catherine replied.

"But I destroyed it!!" I shouted.

"Spyder is smart. They made more than one secret base in case someone tries to blow it up." Catherine said, staring at me.

Oh, come on! I almost died for nothing!

I had been holding it in for the whole time, but I couldn't help it. I started crying.

"Why did you do it? Why did you turn evil?" I asked, sobbing.

"There are many reasons, but I will not tell you them," Catherine said in an evil voice, but I heard something behind that surprised me. I heard cheery old Catherine, the one who was always obsessing on blueberry muffins and Berica. (#Berica4Life) I started to think. Catherine was too smart to just join Spyder. There must be a reason. Then I remembered what Erica and I had used to communicate when we had been captured by Mr. E. I immediately blinked a morse code message to Catherine. Are you evil, I asked. As soon as I was done she immediately blinked back: No, on an MI6 mission, needed location of Spyder Base, I'm sorry. My heart soared at the whole message. Catherine wasn't evil! While we were silently communicating, a guard came in and froze.

"What are you doing here?" the guard asked.

"This insolent fool challenged me to a blinking competition. It's like a staring competition except whoever stops blinking first loses." Catherine said confidently.

I was impressed. Who knew Catherine was so good at coming up with lies?

"Okay then, I was just coming here to give our prisoner his lunch," the guard said, indicating to the food platter he was carrying.

"It's okay, I'll give it to him," taking the platter from the guard. The guard thanked her and left. Catherine slid the platter through the bars, but as I was picking up the platter she grabbed my hand. I felt a small box slide into my sleeve, and I nodded, indicating I had received it. She let go of my hand and walked away. I turned around to the wall and pretended to lie down on the bed. Then, I inconspicuously pulled out the box and opened it. Inside were 2 notes and a dissembled gun. I started the read the notes. The first one said:

Dear Benjamin,

I am sorry I made you think I worked with Spyder. I want you to know that I would never do that. Tonight I will leave the prison door unlocked. At midnight, run away from the prison and find your way back to St. Smittens. I hope you won't have to use it, but just in case there is a gun in here. I trust Erica taught you how to assemble one.


The person who gave this to you

I went on to the second note. It read:

I, ***********, director of MI6, give ************** permission to act as a double agent for ********.



Head of MI6

I smiled. Catherine was a good guy! Or girl. Now all I had to do is wait.


It's finally midnight. I got out of bed and pushed the prison cell door. It swung open noiselessly. I turned off the safety of my now-assembled gun and started running. I assumed Spyder's base was underground, so I ran towards escalators and stairs. After 5 minutes of running, I saw moonlight. This was it. I was finally going to escape! But as I rounded the next corner, I came face to face with Mr. E, his gun pointed at my head. Oh no, I thought to myself. This is not good.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

- Cookie

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