[Chapter 6]

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Catherine's House

May 12

0730 Hours


I was just finishing up a special project I was working on, when I heard a computerized voice, being projected from the different speakers in the house. I got startled because the speakers around this house make the voice sound louder than fireworks.

"Request to enter the house. Results of security being printed."

A piece of paper was spit out of the house printer. I stood up out of the rotating chair and walked cautiously towards the printer. After some of the stuff that Spyder had made me go through, I was afraid that even a piece of paper could be a bomb. Anyways, I picked up the resulting paper.

Security Results (Burn after reading)

Hand Scans: Successful

Retinal Scans: Successful

Secret Knock: Successful

Identities Confirmed: Catherine Hale and Erica Hale

YAY!!! I was going to see Erica again!!! After finishing the letter, I threw it in Catherine's incinerator and sat down at my desk. I reached towards to edge of my desk and took out a button from a hidden compartment. I pressed the button, which gave a person access to the house, and put the finishing touches on my project. I was going to wrap the project and give it as a present to Catherine and Erica, but at that exact moment, the door opened. I looked up. Erica was standing there with her mouth open like I do whenever I had to talk to her. I have an idea, the mischievous part of my brain said to me. I quickly reviewed the plan in my head. I looked up. Perfect. Erica was still gaping at me with her mouth open. I quickly took out my phone and snapped a picture of that.

"What was that for?" Erica asked when she finally recovered from the shock.

"Nice to see you too," I joked. She rolled her eyes, but came up to me and hugged me anyways. I was shocked.

"Since when did the great and beautiful Erica Hale give hugs as a substitute of hello?" I said, but then promptly turning red when I realized was I just said.

"You think I'm beautiful?" she asked, smirking. I turned red. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and I looked at it. I realized there was a video recording going on that had been on for the last 3 minutes.

"Why'd you do that?" was all I could say.

"For the same purpose as you. Blackmail," she said.

"I took that picture so I could add it to my book. It's called For The First Time In Forever. Your part will be titled: For The First Time In Forever... Erica Hale is surprised," I confessed. She snorted.

"Not to break up that reunion, or anything, but there's something I want to talk with you both about," Catherine said.

We both faced Catherine, and she had on one of her faces that expressed, Don't mess with me because something very serious is about to happen. I glanced at Erica, and I could tell she was thinking the same thing that I was.

"I completely approve you to getting together! You know my OTP (One True Pairing) has always been Berica (Ben+Erica)!!!" Catherine exclaimed, suddenly happy.

I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. I fell on the floor laughing, my eyes tearing up. I heard a thump behind me, and when I finally stopped laughing for long enough to see, I saw Erica having the same fit as I was.

Spy School: Why did you leave me? [EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora