[Chapter 3]

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CIA Academy of Espionage

May 4

0205 Hours (2:05 AM)

Erica POV

This must be a dream! I should try and wake up.

I pinched myself hard, but all that did was make me wince. If it wasn't a dream, it must be someone else who looked like Ben but wasn't Ben. But when I opened my eyes, there he was, smiling the goofy smile that made me fall for him when I first met him.


I smiled as I watched Erica's reaction. Her raven black hair flew in the wind, and her icy blue eyes stared at me. After a few minutes, I broke the silence.

"Am I going to get a welcome back or are you going to be staring at me the rest of the night?" I joked.

Erica realized what she was doing and then turned away and blushed. After a few minutes, she ran to me and gave me a hug. She looked so happy, an emotion I hadn't seen her express in a long time.

"Aren't you mad at me for making you think I was dead," I asked confused.

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me!" she said, and she punched me three times in each shoulder.

"I guess I deserved that," I muttered.

Erica just gave me an innocent smile.

Erica POV

I had previously decided that in the event that Ben was alive, I would tell him how I felt about him. I took a deep breath.

Ben noticed this, and asked, "Are you okay?"

I just replied with a simple yes.

He nodded but didn't seem to believe me.

"Let's go for a walk," Ben suggested.

We walked on the edge of campus in silence, until I decided to break it.

"How are you alive, what happened, why did you stay away for so long," I started to ask.

"One question at a time," he said.


Me: How are you alive

Ben: I stood in the corner of a room behind a computer and calculated the route the energy of the thermonuclear bomb would be released in. I stood in a position that when I blew it up, the roof fell down on me, blocking the radiation of the bomb from killing me. I did get several injuries, but I healed them.

Me: How did you heal the injuries?

Ben: Using a first aid kit in Catherine's house.


Ben: I needed somewhere safe to stay.

Me: Oh. Oops. Anyway, Zoe, Mike, Chip, and Jawa will be so excited to find out you're alive!

Ben: Actually, about that. You can't tell anyone else I'm alive.

Me: Why?

Ben: Because (not to brag or anything) I'm the best hacker in the world, and Mr. E lowered security on his house when he found out I died. I am going to capture him once in for all.

Me: But we captured Mr. E. He's in jail.

Ben: That wasn't the real Mr. E. That was his secretary.

Ben: I normally would want you to be on my team, but I can't let you. It's too dangerous.

Me: I can handle danger. I am a spy. Wait, you care if it's dangerous? Do you care about me?

Ben: *blushes clearly*

Me: *I'll say it now* There's something I have to tell you.

Ben: Yes?

Me: *deep breath* I like you. A lot.

Ben: *Stares at Erica for next 5 minutes*

Me: Are you going to reply or are you going to keep staring at me for the rest of the night?

Ben: *chuckles* Are you on truth sedative?

Me: No, can't I tell the truth without sedative?

Ben: There's something I have to tell you. I like you too.


Erica POV

OMG! Ben just told me he liked me! My heart skipped a beat. Or two. Or one hundred and ten. I then realized how close we were to each other. We were only a few centimeters apart. I leaned in and...


Oh my gosh! Erica just kissed me! Those were the best 12 seconds of my life.

As we pulled away, I asked, "Did that one actually mean something this time?"

This time it was her turn to chuckle.

"The last one (on Vail) meant something too. I was just too embarrassed to say it." Erica confided.

I grinned.

"Anyways," Erica said in business mode again, "Can I join you on your mission?"

I thought about it for a while, and then I said agreed. I told her I would send instructions on where to meet in a letter.

"Before I go, I have one last question," Erica said.

"Shoot," I said.

Erica cringed. "When you're a spy, don't say that. It could literally end your life."

"My question was if you stayed at Catherine's, does she know you're alive?" Erica asked.

"Yes, but I trust her," I replied.

"You can't trust anyone in espionage," Erica said.

"As much as that is true, sometimes you have to learn to trust people," I said.

Erica POV

"Oh, it's already 3:00 AM! I should go," Ben exclaimed.

"Oh," I said disappointed. "Okay."

"You're instructions will be on your bed on March 11 by the time you come back from your class. Goodbye for now, Erica" Ben said.

"Goodbye, Ben," I said.

He nodded his head, and then turned around and ran into the forest, and as I watched him run away, I missed his presence more than ever.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

- Cookie

Spy School: Why did you leave me? [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora