Chapter 10: Laughter

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I'd been sitting there at my desk for hours.

I was trying to focus on doing my homework.

I suddenly heard some knocking at my window.
I looked over to see the one and only Kenny Mccormick..

He opened the it and climbed through.

'What are you doing here?' I asked

'I came to check on you, you weren't responding to anyone's texts.' He said.

'My phone was on silent.' I sighed.

I walked over to Kenny and sat next to him on my bed.

'You don't have to worry, I'm fine.' I smiled

He looked down at the floor.

'I, uh. Well... Me and the guys are gonna hang out at Cartmans. You wanna come?' He asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

'Yeah, I'm pretty tired though' I nodded.

He stood up and led me downstairs.

Just as I'd finished locking the door I felt someone picking me up.

'Gah! Kenny! What are you doing?!' I screeched

'You said you were tired, so I'm gonna carry you to Eric's house' He giggled as he held me in his arms

I didn't object because in all honesty, I was too tired to walk there.

On the way to Eric's we spotted Wendy and Bebe. They looked absolutely disgusted and looked like they were about to yell something

Kenny gave them a mean glare as they looked the other way and continued whispering to each other.

Finally, we had arrived at Cartmans House.

Kenny opened the door and immediately yelled
'The Good looks have arrived!'

I could hear Cartman trying to make a sentence but his obnoxious laughing was preventing him from doing so.

Kenny placed me on the couch and then sat right next to me. Eric had finally calmed down and was able to ask his question.

'Why were you carrying Y/N?' He said clearly trying to imply something.

'I was tired, I didn't get much sleep last night.' I said with slight attitude.

Well, I'm not lying. Last night was one hell of a roller-coaster.

'Was a certain Blonde boy keeping you up?' Kyle grinned

'N-No!' I stuttered 'It was just, uh, difficult to sleep!'

'Yeah, surrre~' Eric said rolling his eyes.

Stan looked quite worried and hadn't spoken since I got here.

'What's wrong, Stan?' I asked.

'I'm sorry about Wendy, Y/N. It's all my fault' He sighed, pulling his knees to his chest.

'No, it's not. Wendy is just a crazy bitch.' I tried to comfort him.

'Eric, wheres your mom's alcohol?' Stan said, clearly on the brink of tears.

'In the top cupboard' Eric told him

'Stan! Please, I don't want you to keep doing this!' Kyle yelped, chasing after him

'Why do you care!?' Stan roared at Kyle.

Me, Kenny and Eric all stared in shock at the situation that was unfolding in front of us.

'Cause I care about you! You cant keep drinking your problems away like this!' Kyle cried

'Holy shit' I could hear Kenny mutter

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