Chapter 2 - The Boy In The Window

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The art above belongs to me!

My eyes flutter open, it's still dark... I check my phone, IT'S 3AM!

I suddenly hear some shuffling coming from my window.
Fuck! Fuck! Someones sitting in my window!

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

'No! No! Don't panic! I'm not here to hurt you!' Said the boy in the window he sounded like he was trying to imitate batman.

I turned on my light, so I could see clearer.

The Boy in the window, was wearing a purple Cape and a black mask that covered half his face. He was wearing a lavender skin tight suit with grey gloves.

On the top of his head was a green question mark, and a green 'M' on his chest...

I was more intrigued in his eyes. They were so pretty... They were as blue as the sky.

I uttered the only words I could 'Wh-Who are you?'

'I'm Mysterion, I'm the hero in this city.'

'If you're a hero, then why are you watching me Sleep?!'

'Nono Y/N! That's not how it is, I was checking in on you!'

'How do you know my name? And why do i need checking on?'

'I know alot of Stuff  Y/N and well... This town isnt the safest place at night' Mysterion muttered

'Wh-What?!' I stuttered.

'I just gotta make sure, but I also wanted to come and say hi' He grinned

'Can you get out of my room?! I have school tomorrow!' I whisper shouted

'Okay, Y/N.' He started climbing back out the window before looking back at me 'I'll see you soon' he winked and then jumped down from my window.

I frantically scrambled to see if he was okay but, He was gone.... Disappeared into the night.

'Whoa. Who was he?' I said to myself. Before laying Down and going back to sleep.

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