Chapter 8 - Dance With An Angel

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Its 11.42pm

I need to get out of here.

I'm gonna go on a walk. Nothing that bad can happen.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and walked out the door.

I hit shuffle on my Spotify playlist.

Deviltown, not bad.

Some of the lyrics remind me of this town in a way..

Like, 'Deviltown is colder in the summertime'

I hummed along to a few songs before realising that I'd walked to an unfamiliar part of town.

I kept walking, hoping to find a way to starks pond or something.

After not long, I bumped into two men.

'OOOH, what have we here?' One slurred

The other whistled as he walked towards me.

'Please leave me alone.' I mumbled in hopes that they'd just go away

But the first guy grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, I snatched myself away and started running

I ran.

And ran

They were still chasing me. FUCK

I was so focused on getting away that I ran into a dead ended alley.

'Shit...' I whispered

'Fiesty one, arent you?' The second man slowly spoke

They grabbed hold of me, I kicked and struggled. If I screamed, nobody would hear me.

I fell to the floor before hearing a familiar voice

'HEY, LET THEM GO!' it roared

'Shit, it's him!' The first guy yelled

'Mysterion!' I screamed

The men stood to face him.

They ran towards him ready to fight. I heard some glass smashing and some crashing.

I closed my eyes and dug them into my knees. I wished it would go away.

'Y/N, Are you okay...?' Mysterion's raspy voice called out

I looked up and saw his hand reaching out to help me.

He pulled me to my feet and hugged me.
'Y-you need to be more careful, dumbie' He sounded as if he was about to cry.

I held onto him. I felt safer than ever when he was there.

'Come on, let's get you away from here.' He said, pulling away.

He grabbed my phone and then picked me up.

He jumped from roof to roof, back and forth.

We climbed down the tree to my backyard.

There we stood in my backyard...

The moon reflecting off his blue eyes.

He opened my phone and picked a song.

I immediately recognised the tune.

'Heather' by Conan Grey.

Mysterion got on one knee and held out his hand

'Can I have this dance?' He smiled

How could I refuse?

I giggled and grabbed hold of his hand.

He stood up and put a hand around my waist.

Mysterion sung along. His voice was angelic...

'I still remember

The 3rd of December

Me in your sweater

You said it looked better

On me, than it did you

Only if you knew,

How much I liked you...

But I watched your eyes as she walks by,

What a sight for sore eyes.

Brighter than a blue sky...

She's got you mesmerised.

While I die..

Why would you ever kiss me?

I'm not even half as pretty~' He sung as we slowly danced in the moonlight.

It was a moment that I wanted to last forever.

I held onto him tight. I never wanted to let go.

The song faded out.

We stood there, I stared into his blue eyes.

'Mysterion...' I mumbled 'Who are you?'

'What?' He said

'I-I want to know who my hero is...' I stuttered

He let out a small laugh then looked at me with a grin.

He looked Down at the floor.

He pulled down the hood of his Cape and removed his mask.

The masked vigilante revealed his blonde locks and freckled/bruised face.

'K-Kenny...?' I could feel my eyes water up.

'Y/N. I-' Before he could get his words out, our lips crashed together

He stumbled back a bit, before returning the kiss.

About 20 seconds later He pulled away and whispered
'Come on, it's late, you need to sleep.'

He walked me to my room,  I laid down as he sat on the edge of my bed.

'I'll stay until you go to sleep, is that Okay?' He asked

'It's fine' I smiled

He pulled up my blanket to my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

'I... Love you Kenny...' I uttered with the rest of my energy

'I love you too, Y/N...' He said.

My vision went dark as I fell asleep..

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