Chapter 16 - Death Is Temporary

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Out from the shadows emerged....

I sat in shock, knowing he died in my arms half an hour ago

'Miss me, guys?' Mysterion announced.

'Oh Hamburgers! It's Mysterion!' Chaos Yelled

'I know who it is, Butt fucker!' The Coon growled.

I tried to understand what I was seeing, did the others not remember killing him!?

I watched as Coon went to cut Kenny with his Claws, Mysterion blocking it and punching him in the nose causing it to bleed.

Before I knew it Chaos and The Coon were out cold.

Mysterion approached and untied me.

'I watched you die, Kenny! What is going on!?'

'Death is Temporary for me, sweetheart.' He said pulling me into his arms.

'How did they not remember Killing you?! I'm so confused.' I questioned

'You're the only one that remembers, somehow. But nobody remembers when I die. I'm technically immortal.' He grinned

'Please don't scare me like that again!' I dug my face into his chest.

He kissed my head and whispered

'I will never leave you again'

~The End~

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