Chapter 7 - Come On, Guys

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My eyes opened as the sun hit my face, I felt warm and comfortable.

I heard slight groaning, Kenny was waking up.

'Good morning, Y/N' He whispered weakly

'Good morning, Kenny' I responded

God damn, he was really making me feel butterflies.

Kenny sat up and rubbed his eyes.

'I haven't slept that well in years' He giggled before standing up. He started to take of his shirt so he could change.

I let out a small yelp, as I wasn't prepared. He laughed at my reaction

'What, am I too hot for you to handle~?' Kenny grinned.

'I, uh, I'm gonna go brush my teeth!' I yelped before dashing out of my room.


I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself.

My stomach fluttered, I don't know what's happening to me.

I think I like him....

I finished brushing my teeth as Kenny walked up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck.

I could feel my face go red but before I could say anything.

His phone rang.

I caught a glimpse of who was calling

'Jew Boy' pfft. It must be kyle.

He trailed off to talk to Kyle. I took advantage of this time to go get ready.

I picked out a nice sweater and jeans and quickly changed into it.

I opened my door to Kenny looking excited.

'What's got you so excited, Ken?' I asked

'Wellll, Kyle just called. He said that we're all gonna hang out today and that you can come along!' He smiled

I let out a small screech of happiness

'Want me to make some breakfast before we go and meet the guys?' He said

'You can cook?' I giggled at the thought

He nodded and ran downstairs.

I tried to catch up to him but before I could get to him he was already starting to make something.

I decided to just sit down and wait.

It wasn't long before he placed a plate in front of me.

'Bacon and eggs, enjoy!' He winked.

'Heh, thanks. These look really good.' I thanked

'HEY! Don't forget to Kiss the cook!' He said.

I let out a small giggle before giving him a peck on the cheek.

He sat across from me at the table and we began eating.

This was some of the best fucking bacon I'd ever had! He was a really good cook, even if he didn't seem like it.

Just as I we finished eating, he got a ding from his phone, he picked it up and read what it said.

'Stan said that we're all gonna meet at his house in 5 minutes.' He mumbled

I grabbed our empty plates and placed them in the sink, I'll clean them later.

He grabbed his Orange coat and put it on.

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