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Sideswipe jolted awake. His vents were short but quick. He had the worst nightmare. He saw his older brother being murdered and then his younger brother mourning for him. He saw everything on his own optics but he was not part of this tragedy. Immiadetly he asked himself if it really was only a nightmare or reality. He of course wished it to be only a bad dream.

It took him a while but he quickly remembered what had happened. When he was called to come he was attacked by Soundwave. He, as most of Cybertronians, was not match for him and Soundwave knocked him out. Megatron was pleased by Soundwave's succes. He wanted to use Sideswipe as a bait on Sunstreaker. But he knew Sideswipe isn't enough to get the oldest triple and now he was after Smokescreen. Sideswipe wished his little brother a lot of luck. Only thing red mech cared about are his brothers who were now targets for decepticons.

Sideswipe shrugged at disguisting memory of Megatron's face looking straight at him when he was brought here. He was in small cell that was big enough only for one bot. He was not chained like he would usualy be or at least he was used to it. And he was glad for that, pretty big piece of his servo planting was ripped off during the fight with Soundwave and he wouldn't lie, it hurt.


Smokescreen carefully lifted up piece of red plating from the ground, there was energon all over it. "It's Sideswipe's servo plate." he said. "Cons must've kidnapped him." Ratchet said. Smokescreen nodded with a little shiver. "We'll get him back. And find Sunny. If Bucket Head took Sides, he's probably after him as well and would use Sides as a bait for Sunny." "Or now he's after you, if he realizes the similiarities between you three, like he surely did and if not him than other cons surely did, he will try take you as well." Ratchet immiadetly commented without any more further thinking. Smokescreen exchanged look with the medic. "Maybe. He's sure Sunny will do anything to get me and Sides back." 

When the rest of autobots arrived Ratchet and Smokescreen explained what had happened and where Sideswipe most probably is. After getting some more evidences from the sceen and cleaning the energon so no human will find out they returned back to the base. 

"Smokescreen, you'll stay at the base at any cost. Megatron can't get you. We must find Sunstreaker." Optimus ordered the last sentence in whisper. Smokescreen was about to protest but his silence shocked everyone. He explained: "I won't risk anymore suffer to my brothers. To neighter of them. They already suffered enough." to some of them it was strange to see young bot so responsible. 

"Your words are warming my spark, little bro." "Nah, shut up Sunny. You know what I meant." Smokescreen replied annoyed. Sunstreaker walked from the shadows of the hall. "Sure I did, but still. It's nice to hear something like that from a little bro." golden bot said with slight roll of his optics. "So I hope you've enjoyed your free time because from now you won't go out untill Sideswipe is back." Ratchet pointed out his tone annoyed as usual. "Ya think ya can hold me here and leave one of my little bros behind? Dude, you should know better 'cause there is nothing holding me here and I'll rescue my brother. With you or without you." Sunstreaker hissed half in joke and other half in dead serious tone. Smokescreen nodded to his brother's state. "We'll go rescue our brother." he corrected with slight smirk directed to his brother who returned it. 

"We all will go rescue Sideswipe. All we want is to protect you two because there is big possibility decepticons are after you as well." Optimus finaly spoke up. "Nah, they can be after us. But getting us all will not be easy. Just like back home Smokes." Sunstreaker replied with evil grin by sentence he adressed to his brother who returned it. "And if they get me you won't come back because they can't do anything to us because there would be no way to get you." Smokescreen pointed out with one arm behind his back and other lifted up. 

"Dude, I didn't know you think like that." Bulkhead said suprised by what Smokescreen said. Young bot shrugged. "It doesn't happen often, Sides got all the 'big brain thinking'." "Yup, Sides is the smart one." Sunstreaker agreed. "So, let's rescue yourt smart brother before you two go nuts." Arcee pressed. "Yeah sure!" both brothers shouted.


"I still don't like this. Who's plan is this anyway?" Sunstreaker whined quietly as he and his brother walked through Nemesis. "Optimus'." Smokescreen simply answered. Older bot huffed. "'Course it is. So lead the way to our brother Smokes." silver mech nodded and took a run down the hall. "You're faster than I remember." golden mech smirked when he catched up with his brother. "Oh shut up already." Smokescreen chukled.

"We're here. In this section cons hold their prisoners. There will be some cons inside so be carefull. The team can't cover us forever." Smokescreen said before he broke down into prisoner section. Five decepticon drones were protecting one cell. But against two angry brothers they had no chance. "So, if my counting is right then there is some very important prisoner. So I assume it's Sides." Sunstreaker said and shot open the door. 

Inside stood a red mech but it was obvious it's not Sideswipe. This mech was a lot bigger than him. His helm turned to two young mechs and they gasped. Two purple optics pinned to them. Sunstreaker clenched his fists. "You!" he growled under his vent. Smokescreen took a step back. "How are you alive?" he gasped. "Little help from the Dark Lord." red mech spoke. "Where is our brother?!" Sunstreaker yelled and aimed his canon at the mech. 

"The red one? Hah, alive? Dead? I wish the second option, not even for him but for all three of you. But what I know it that, my old partner, have a big plans for him when he find out what is going to become of him when the time comes." two brothers were confused. "What are you talking about, Sentinel? What is going to happen to our brother?!" Sunstreaker asked the traitor. "Don't tell me you didn't notice? Even Megatron did see the Prime in him. But I guess you're too blind to see the potential." Smokescreen looked over to Sunstreaker who returned the look. "Everyone would be better Prime then you." Sunstreaker said and fired. 

Shot went through former Prime's face and shot through his head. Red titan fell to the ground with loud thud, dead. "I wish this is his true end." Sunstreaker hissed and left the corpse. Smokescreen followed close behind. They searched entire prison section but no sign of Sideswipe. "Smokescreen to Optimus, we didn't find Sideswipe. Do you have any luck?" Smokescreen called Optimus through his comn. 

"We got Sideswipe. Meet us on runway." came quick response from red and blue mech. Smokescreen nodded and with his brother run to the runway shooting every decepticon they saw. "These drones are more annoying than minicons." Sunstreaker commented. "Dude! They are not annoying!" Smokescreen replied. "They are tiny so that does make them annoying." Sunstreaker pressed. 

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