No one would've thought there was any good in someone like Jimin, someone who's supposed to be the most fearsome being in the world. Despite his cold expression and intimidating demeanor, Death was really truly a good person. Yet there was still so much to learn about him.

If only he'd open up more. Jungkook thought whilst staring at the other's blank face. 

"Anyway, I think it's time we hit the road, pals!" Hoseok jumped up to his feet, a grin blossoming across his face. "It's still kind of early in the morning, so we should make it by sundown."

Jimin, who was refusing to look at Jungkook, finally glanced upward when he noticed two others standing with large bags slung over their shoulders. "Wait a moment..." He started. "Don't tell me these two are tagging along?" His stabbed two fingers at Jin and Taehyung, who both grinned back at him.

"Of course they are! They're part of the team now!" Hoseok exclaimed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What the fu—"

"We packed our bags while you were still knocked out. Sorry for the sudden intrusion, but it just sounds so exciting!" Jin added, eyes practically shimmering with excitement. 

Seeing such a face caused Jimin to be speechless, and so he resorted to a defeated sigh. It's not like it was in his power to decide who came along or not. To be completely honest, he didn't really want to join this little friend group on their so-called "fun" vacation anyway. It was too...sociable. At least for his taste.

When everyone was looking away—too busy preparing to leave—Jimin was shocked back to reality when a large, warm hand engulfed his tiny one. His eyes found Jungkook's, the younger looking at him with that irresistible smile of his. 

"Let's go." 

This time, Jimin didn't pull his hand away.


"I'm still standing here with my eyes closed,

Lost between the deserts and oceans,

I'm still wandering,

Where should I go yeah~"

What the hell am I doing here? Jimin thought dully as his ears tried their best to block out everyone's obnoxious singing. He was leaning his chin against the back of his hand, staring out the backseat window of the van. Next to him was Jungkook. In the middle were Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Yoongi was driving with Namjoon on the passenger end. Every single one of them were singing like they were at a damn karaoke.

"Go Jungkook!" Hoseok queued before the next verse.

"I didn't know there were this many,

Paths I can't go and paths I can't take,

I never felt this way before,

Am I becoming an adult?"

Now this was Jungkook singing in a joking manner, yet his voice still managed to be so flawless. It almost irritated Jimin how much that silky voice affected him. While he was singing, the brunette was obviously staring at him the entire time, trying to make him smile using his own damn bunny smile. But Jimin wasn't going to fall for it. He was simply going to stare out the window until he knew the other fell asleep.


Constantly pushing without rest within the harsh rainstorms,


Within a complicated world without an exit~"

Jimin winced every time the whole car shook from their combined voices. He crumpled into himself, trying to deny the fact that in reality, this didn't bother him at all. If anything, he felt content in some way—like he was just a normal boy part of his normal group of crazy friends. 

"I didn't know you guys listened to BTS?" Jungkook laughed, eyes finally focusing on the abnormal group of guys up front.

"We've lived here long enough to know who that group of talented men is!" Jin cackled in response.

"Their songs are just so amazing, and awe-inspiring you can't help but love them." Namjoon agreed.

"V is personally my favorite," added Taehyung with a smirk, "He's got the best visuals and the sexiest voice. But of course, you'll always be my real number one, Jimin-ah." He quickly turned to smile at Jimin, who slowly glared back without a verbal response. Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No way. J-Hope definitely has the best visuals, you nutjob! And his rap is dope!" Hoseok argued.

Namjoon twisted around from the passenger seat and jabbed a finger at the redhead. "If we're talking about rap here, I think RM is the best. He's such an amazing leader that he could become president if he really wanted to!" 

"Shut the fuck up, you peasants," Yoongi scowled, "We all know Suga is all that and the cutest shit alive."

Jimin groaned internally and shut his eyes, realizing his body was growing more tired each day. He had to admit, it felt nice being able to sleep for once. Ever since he became Death, his body refused to rest, so he was basically awake 24/7. 

"You tired?" asked Jungkook. His voice was dangerously close to Jimin's ear, but the latter couldn't bother to care at his point. He just wanted to take a long, peaceful nap—one without those haunting nightmares. 

Humming, Jimin let his eyes close and leaned against the cool window that fogged up from his breath. Slowly, his consciousness seeped out of him as he let his dreams pull him away from reality. The last thing he recalled was feeling someone's hand gently maneuver his body so his head was resting on something more comfortable and warm. 

It was nice.


When Jimin woke up, he found himself leaning against Jungkook's shoulder. The younger was fast asleep, his body heaving up and down slowly. No wonder Jimin slept so peacefully. For once, he didn't wake up in a cold sweat—alone and screaming in the confinement of his dark room. This time, he woke up in someone's warm embrace.

Outside, the sun was already setting, casting shades of coral and lavender across the sky. The landscape was no longer full of buildings and lights but a plethora of towering trees. It was mostly silent besides the low mumbling of a conversation between Yoongi and Namjoon.

Jimin took this chance to carefully observe Jungkook's sleeping face, eyes grazing over every beautiful detail engraved in his flawless skin. The more he stared, the more his heart started to jump in his chest. 

"I want to protect those who suffer from injustice. I want to always do the right thing, Jimin."

" you believe in love?"

Eyes widening, the raven drew away from Jungkook and allowed the previous barrier he held between them grow back. 

He knew. He always knew Jungkook was never a bad person. He was hurt in the past, so he tried to appear stronger by acting cruel at school. No one was to mess with him or his friends anymore because he made that decision. But Jeon Jungkook was really just protecting everyone who might be suffering just like him. 

He was standing up against the entire world.

While Jimin was running—like a coward.

"We're almost there." Yoongi announced from the front while everyone gradually stirred awake.

Jimin looked out the window, fists clenching in his lap. He swallowed the painful lump in his throat and hid his face behind his arm so no one could see the look of anguish on his face. Another wave of pain pulsated throughout his body—reminding him that he's not allowed to feel like a human. 

And that one day, he'll be nothing but a memory.

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