Can We Be Friends?

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The four of them sat in complete and awkward silence at the table, Jungkook sparing a few glances at Death, who sat next to him with his usual cold expression.

"So..." Hoseok breaks the suffocating atmosphere with his blinding smile. "You name is Jaehyun?"

Relieved that someone finally spoke, Jungkook opened his mouth to confirm when the raven all of the sudden interrupts with a nonchalant tone.

"No. I'm Death."


Everyone stared at him, Jungkook's mouth gaping open in shock.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi raised a brow as Hoseok releases an awkward chuckle.

"Uh, you see - " Jungkook began but was once again interrupted by Death.

"I can prove it to you if you want."

"What? Jungkook, what's with this kid?" Yoongi scowled, pointing a long white finger at the raven.

A flurry of panic clogged up the youngest's throat as he stands up abruptly, the chair knocking down to the floor with a loud bang. He locked eyes with the raven, who continued to sit casually.

"What? You said you wanted to introduce me, didn't you?" Death reminded with a killer-soft voice. Hidden inside the depths of his kind facade was an ocean of darkness and winter - flowers withering from charred hostility and bitterness.

"Yeah, but..." Jungkook trailed off, his panic slowly dying down to a nervous pulse in his head.

How could he do this? How could he just expose himself so willingly while knowing it'd be my responsibility if they betray him? It'd be me who betrayed him, and I -

Jungkook briefly recalled the small moment where the raven was bending on his knees with a tiny smile, gently patting the little girl's head like a mother soothing her child.

I don't want to lose his trust.

"Jungkook, what's this guy talking about?" Hoseok snaps, inching away from the aloof kid sitting with one leg crossed over the other.

The youngest couldn't speak - his throat no longer functioning and his mind currently a blank slate. Instead, the raven stood carefully and spared an indescribable glance towards his direction. He blinked twice before spilling everything he told Jungkook before to his two, very confused friends. All Jungkook could do is listen.

"Woah woah woah, hold on." Yoongi interrupted with hands waving frantically in the air. "This is a joke, right? You're pulling some prank with Jungkook? It's not funny. Death isn't something to talk so lightly about."

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Death inquires quietly, a serious look suddenly overshadowing his face. The infernal aura he contained throughout the whole day was beginning to leak from his body like bleak venom, encircling his form and reaching the air around him in dark, fiery wisps. Both Yoongi and Hoseok simultaneously backed away with terror on their faces, their chairs leaving long marks against the floor from the harsh skidding.

Finally, all thought processes and function returned to Jungkook's body and he quickly moved to Death's side despite the shiver that ran up his spine from the cold aura. "It's okay! He may be Death, but he's actually really nice! He's not as bad as you think, I swear."

"You're both out of your fucking minds." Yoongi snarled. "The story of Life and Death is just a myth. Nothing more."

"Do you hate Death?" Jungkook questioned in retaliation.

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