Getting Closer

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"I'm sorry for overprotective." Jungkook muttered, placing his lips on the straw to his drink without taking a sip.

Jisoo smiled at him, a current of midnight waves cascading down her delicate, exposed shoulder. "It's alright, Kookie. We're still together though, right?"

"Of course." Jungkook responds quickly. Then, he feels a strong gaze on the back of his neck and turns around, finding nothing but the chattering people around them. His eyes maneuver to the open window and squint a bit.

"Now I see why everyone hates you so much. You are the reason why the world is corrupted and innocent people are dying!"

A tinge of guilt knots at the pit of his stomach from the words he spat out earlier to the raven. Even though the other had said stupid things himself, he knew he shouldn't have accused him of such serious issues. It's just that -

- for just a split second, as soon as Jungkook had yelled those exact words, he could spot the slightest trace of sadness resting in those silvery orbs. It was barely detectable, but still there. It made him think that maybe Death really wasn't who everyone thought he was. Maybe Death...was more human than believed.


Jimin was resting his chin on the base of his palm, gazing off into the inky night sky on top of the geodesic dome at the empty park when he felt an immensely powerful presence ripple through the atmosphere like a rock thrown hastily in water. He blinked and slowly sat up, attention now pinpointed on the tall figure making its way towards him from the trees. Bundles of flowers and grass sprouted from his heavy footsteps.

"I found you...Death." His voice was deep - almost raspy.

Jimin balanced perfectly on the metal bars interweaving below him as he leaned back on his hands in slight curiosity. "And you are...?"

The boy walked into the pale yellow light of the lamp post in front of him, the glow clarifying his sharp features. He had a golden crown of hair that exposed some of his forehead, and his eyes were large and dripping with gold hues. His skin itself seemed to be burning like the sun, and clean white robes similar to Jimin's draped over his toned body. Overall, he was probably the most attractive being Jimin's ever encountered in his entire time on Earth.

"My name's Kim Taehyung, and I am Life." The boy proclaimed, gazing up at Jimin's unfazed expression.

There was a long, tense silence between the two god-like beings in the cold terrain of the night. It was like seeing two polar opposites standing on a battlefield, ready to attack each other at any moment.

Finally, after a minute of staring at each other, trying to break the other down internally, Jimin cocked his head to the side and threw his infamous smirk at the oblivious blonde.

"Life, huh? Alright, what do you want."

Taehyung's gaze morphed into a glare at the other's nonchalant behavior. "I'm here to protect the Earth from you. You, Death, must leave this world and never return."

"Huh? How come?" The raven feigned innocence and curiosity.

"Because you are dangerous. I know what you do. You walk all over the lives of these people you believe are so inferior to you, and you take them whenever you please. You tear apart the balance between the three terrains for your own sick pleasures."

Jimin placed a bejeweled hand over his mouth to suppress his yawns. "Wow, how long did it take you memorize those lines?"

"What? This isn't some joke." Taehyung growled, fists held at his sides. "You are a danger to Earth, so you must go back to Hellmoon."

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