Chapter 9: Sams Advice

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The sun blinded my eyes as I rolled over in my bed. I forgot to shut the curtains last night. Curtains weren't exactly the most pressing thing on my mind before bed though.

My thoughts trailed back to Abigail... The look on her face when she saw me. I sat up and looked down, realizing I was still wearing Sebastian's hoodie. I pulled my knees close to me. Sebastian's scent filled my nose and I felt comforted, but my heart hurt at the same time. What had I done?

I had to take it back to him today. There was no reason I shouldn't give it back at soon as possible.
I pulled the hoodie off, and folded it up. It was well worn, but clean. Definitely something he's had for a long time.

"Okay... lets do this," I sighed, and got myself together before I left.

I took the north path to Sebastian's house so that I wouldn't have to go through town. There wasn't really a problem with going through town. My face was still a little puffy from crying last night and quite frankly I didn't want to subject anyone to that if I didn't need to.

I pushed the door open, and Robin flashed a smile my way. "Hey Avery," she trailed off and gave me a weird look. "Are you okay?" She looked genuinely concerned. "Yeah I'm good. Just had a rough night I guess," I chuckled nervously.

"Okay," she left it at that, though I could tell she didn't quite buy it. "I'm here to give Sebastian his hoodie back," I explained as I pulled the black hoodie out of my bag. "Oh, he's downstairs with Abigail if you wanted to take it down there!" Robin offered.

"Oh no no no it's okay," I shook my head. "I'll leave it up here if that's okay with you." "Okay... I'll let him know you left it for him," she nodded and took his hoodie from my hands.

"Well, I need to go pay Sam a visit. So I'll see you around," I waved a goodbye at her and left the house. Sam didn't know I was coming, but I doubted he would mind it.

I hurried through town and down to Sam's front door, and knocked on it quickly. Jodi opened the door and smiled. "Hey Avery! Sam's in his room,"
She stood to the side and let me in, already knowing where I was headed. "Thanks Jodi!" I smiled at her, and walked down the hall to Sam's room.

"Hey Sam?" I spoke, knocking on the door. "Come in!" He responded. I walked into his room and closed the door behind me. Sam turned around from his computer and his eyebrows raised. "Dude... rough night?" He asked, looking concerned.

"You... have no idea," I rubbed my eyes and sat on his bed. "Can I pick your brain about something? It's kind of a long story but I really need advice," I explained. "Of course! That's what friends are for."

• • •

"And Abigail walked in and saw me wearing his hoodie and now she's really mad at me and I don't know what to do," I rambled, letting out a stressed sigh.

Sam was quiet for a second, and was still trying to comprehend what had just happened. "I.... wow. Wow, first of all," he looked over to me. He looked down at his keyboard and then back over at me. "So you dig Sebastian huh?" He chuckled.

"Yes but so does Abigail," I reminded him. "Yeah..." Sam said thoughtfully. "Man.. that sucks dude, I'm sorry. Have you talked to Abigail about it yet?" He asked, eating some chips out of a bag that was on his desk.

"No, that's the thing. I'm terrified of seeing her again. She was my best friend here and I completely ruined it," I explained. "I'm sure she'll get over it. I mean they're going on a date Thursday," Sam shrugged.

"They're what," My stomach tightened, but I was excited for Abigail at the same time. I'm not sure why I felt so shocked. "Abigail asked him to go on a date with her Thursday. She asked him this morning and he said sure. She was messaging me about it earlier," Sam explained.

"Oh that's cool," I nodded, wanting to be supportive. "Look, I appreciate that you want to be a good friend, but it's okay to be upset. It's not like you chose to have a crush on Sebastian, or that you're doing this to spite her. It's just your feelings man," Sam turned his chair to face me.

"You're right. I just don't know what to do. I want to be a good friend to Sebastian but I don't want to upset Abigail," I spoke thoughtfully as I stole a chip from Sam. "I think you were doing fine. You were being there for Sebastian, but you weren't going over the line for Abigail. The hoodie thing maybe, but you didn't ask for that. Sebastian was just being nice," Sam responded.

"I'd just let it play out. You never know what could happen," he shrugged. He has a certain look on his face that I couldn't quite read.

"You're right... thanks for letting me vent all of this to you. And thanks for the advice," I smiled. "I told you Avery, that's what friends are for. Even if it's a little complicated mess between the three of you right now. Poor Sebastian," Sam laughed. "And I thought I was gonna be the ladies man out of the two of us."

"You are unbelievable," I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled. "Yeah, I'm pretty unbelievable," Sam joked, pulling at the collar on his jacket.

I couldn't help but laugh. Even though Sam was a total dork, he was oddly good to talk to about things like this. He knew what to say.

"Well hey, I'll get out of your hair. I didn't mean to dump all of this on you out of nowhere, but I appreciate the chat," I smiled. "Any time Aves," Sam smiled back. Thank god for friends like him.

Authors Note:

I just wanted to say thank you so so so freaking much for reading this ;-; this fanfic is almost to 100 reads and it makes me wanna do a flip. Thank you all so much for every read, comment, and vote. It means so much <3

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