Chapter 3: Sam's House

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Today was the day! I was finally going to hang out with Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian.

Robin had finished building my coop a couple days ago, and yesterday she helped me put in a fence. Everything on the farm was taken care of now, so I finally had time to hang out with them. Abigail had been asking me when I was gonna be free whenever she saw me. Now I finally have the time.

I was excited to make some actual friends. Everyone in town was incredibly nice, but I was excited to have my own little friend group like everyone else did.

Nervousness ate away at me during my walk. It would be my first time actually being around all three of them for any longer than a few minutes, and I didn't want to mess it up. I wanted them to think I was cool and fun to be around.

I stepped up to Sam's front door and gave it a few quick knocks. The door opened, and Sam stood there smiling. "Hey Avery!" He greeted. "Hey Sam!" I smiled back. "She's here?!" Abigail's voice rang through the house, and I heard loud footsteps behind Sam. Abigail popped over his shoulder with a grin on her face. "Hi Avery!"

Sebastian stood a few steps behind the two of them. We made eye contact and nodded at each other. That seemed to be a good greeting for the two of us. He didn't seem too talkative and I wasn't about to push him to be.

"Come on in!" Sam stepped to the side, letting me in the house. Jodi was in the kitchen doing dishes, and Vincent was sitting at the table working on what looked like homework. "My rooms down the hall over here. Follow me," he said, leading us down the hall and into his room.

Sam flopped onto his bed, Abigail and Sebastian sat comfortably on the carpet, and I took the chair from Sam's computer desk. His room was comfortable. It was clean, but lived in. There were instruments in nearly every corner of the room.

My eyes must have lingered on them a little too long for it to be unnoticeable. "The three of us are in a band! Pretty cool, right?" Sam grinned proudly. "That is cool! What kind of music do you guys play?" I asked. "Well... we don't really know yet," Abigail chuckled. "We'll figure it out though! We just have to see what works for us."

"I get that. If you guys are gonna be rockstars someday you'll at least want your music to be fun to play," I joked. Abigail and Sam laughed, and Sebastian let out a low chuckle.

"So, hows life on the farm so far?" Abigail asked, stretching her legs out. "It's going pretty well. Robin finished my chicken coop the other day, and we put a fence up yesterday. So I'm finally ready to get some chickens!" I explained. "Oohhh can I come over and visit them some time whenever you get them?" Abigail's eyes lit up excitedly. "Of course," I laughed.

"I still don't know why you chose to live here rather than the city," Sebastian sighed. "Life just got a little crazy for me," I chuckled nervously, not really wanting to talk about it much. Life was much better now that you were in Stardew Valley, but the city still seemed to haunt the back of your mind at times. Mom. Dad. Being alone.

"But hey! You're here now, and I have a new adventuring buddy," Abigail beamed. "We'll have to go on an adventure soon."

Abigail, Sam and I talked for a while. Sebastian would nod every now and then to show he was listening, but stayed pretty quiet the whole time. Sam and Abigail didn't seem too bothered by it, but I felt bad anyways. He didn't seem like a talkative person, but he didn't really get to contribute much to anything we were all talking about. Would he want to anyways?

"Avery?" Sam called out. "Oh, hey, sorry," I chuckled. "I kinda zoned out there."

"It's okay," Sam laughed. "We were just wondering if you've been to the mines yet." "No I haven't," I admitted. "I should though. It would be really good to get some stone for whenever I wanna upgrade the house."

"Don't forget the gems and minerals," Sebastian added. "They're pretty cool." "I'll have to keep an eye out for some. Thank you," I replied.

"Oooo if you find any amethysts would you bring one back for me?" Abigail pleaded. "Sure! If I find any I'll bring them to you," I nodded, and Abigail seemed grateful. "Frozen tears are better," Sebastian whispered, although Abigail didn't seem to hear him.
I took a mental note of that just in case I found one of those too.

"Have you guys ever been to the mines?" I asked. Sam and Sebastian shook their heads, and Abigail stayed silent. "I've tried, but I chicken out at the last second," She admitted eventually. "We can go together sometime," I offered. "That can be our adventure!"

"Yeah! I'll just have to practice my swordsmanship a little more. Maybe we can work on that together too," she smiled. I nodded back to her, excited to be making more plans already. "Sounds good."

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