Chapter 11: He Doesn't Know?

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Abigail and Sebastian sat side by side on the bus as it rolled to a small town just outside of Pelican Town. They were going on their first official date today, and Abigail couldn't stop smiling. They weren't dating, but it was an official date. She had been waiting for this moment for years.

Abigail quietly tapped her feet against the floor of the bus as Sebastian looked out the window. "What do you think you're gonna get?" Abigail asked, not wanting the whole bus ride to be silent. "Probably just straight black coffee," Sebastian replied with a yawn.

They were going to a small cafe on the outskirts of the town over. It was early in the morning, but that's what made up half the fun of going to the cafe.

The bus slowed to a stop, and the two got off and began walking down the sidewalk to the cafe. Abigail beamed as they walked side by side. Sebastian held the door open for her, and followed her in quietly. The two got their coffee and sat at a table near the window.

There was an awkward silence until Abigail spoke up. "So, when do you think we'll finally get a gig for the band?" She asked thoughtfully. Silence. "Sebastian?" Abigail questioned. "Oh, sorry," Sebastian apologized, snapping out of some kind of daze.

They continued talking for a while. Well, mainly Abigail. Sebastian sat there thoughtfully, only catching every other word or so that Abigail spoke. She was happy... but why wasn't he? Wasn't he supposed to be? He had never felt so genuinely confused.

Nearly everyone in Pelican Town thought that they had been dating for years now. Weren't they supposed to date then? Why wasn't he happy?

Questions wracked his brain as Abigail was telling him stories from Prairie King. Although she could tell he wasn't quite listening, it didn't bother her much. She knew something was on his mind. As time went on, a wave of understanding came over her.

"Sebastian?" Abigail looked at him thoughtfully. "Did I zone out again?" Sebastian asked worriedly. "No no, you're fine," Abigail laughed. "Here's the thing. I think we both know this isn't going to work. And I think we both know what's really going on," she explained. "I want you to know as your friend, I really want you to be happy. And I know that that isn't necessarily going to be with me. I think you and her-"

"Abigail what are you talking about?" Sebastian asked. Now he was even more confused than before.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about," she looked at him and raised her eyebrows. She knew he had feelings for Avery. She could see it plain as day. Sam could see it plain as day. Everybody could.

"I really don't," Sebastian said honestly, following Abigail as she stood up to throw their trash away. She looked him in the eye and was surprised when she realized he really wasn't kidding. "Oh my god... you really don't know do you?" Abigail's jaw dropped a little, and she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "No! I really don't," He huffed, anger trickling into his voice.

"Will you please tell me?" He nearly begged. "Sebastian I would love to but this is really something that's yours to discover on your own," Abigail explained.

Sebastian followed behind Abigail as they left the cafe and went back down to the bus stop.

What was she talking about? And why couldn't she just tell him?

• • •
Avery's POV

I walked in the front door of Sebastian's house and was greeted happily by Robin. I managed to wave to her, afraid of what may happen if I try and speak. I wanted to come in to give my last payment for my coop. Or maybe it was for a house upgrade? I couldn't remember anymore.

Abigail and Sebastian were on their date. I wanted to be happy for them. They were my friends, and this was their choice. As much as I tried to shake off my feelings, I couldn't. Sebastian deserves to be happy, even if it's with somebody else.

"Avery... are you okay?" Robin asked. The look on her face was one of genuine concern. The question itself made tears form in my eyes. "I... I'm sorry," I apologized and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes, but they came back stronger. "Honey what's wrong?" Robin asked, coming around the counter. "I... Sebastian and Abigail-" I stopped to catch my breath.

"Oh honey... come here," Robin pulled me into a hug, and now I couldn't stop the crying. "I tried not to have feelings for him but I couldn't, I.. I don't know. I didn't want to be a bad friend," I cried.

"Honey I knew you liked him from the moment you saw each other," Robin laughed, holding my head against her chest gently. The hug felt amazing, and managed to calm me down even if it was only a little bit. It reminded me of my childhood. Of my mom.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come in here and push all of my problems on you," I apologized. "Hey, it's okay. Don't think it's a problem for one second," Robin shook her head. "I do know what might help a little though," she smiled, and led me to the kitchen.

"Aaand here you go," She opened the freezer, and grabbed an ice cream bar for me. "Thank you so much," I smiled, tearing open the packaging. Robin grabbed one for herself, and we sat down at the kitchen table to eat ice cream together. "So, what in the world is going on?"

• • •

"I'm really sorry. About this whole date thing. I know it didn't go how you wanted it to. I just wanted to make you happy," Sebastian explained. "I don't know what I want. I thought we were supposed to date or that this would be the right thing to do. I don't know what happened."

"Hey, don't worry about that. It's okay. You're still my friend, and you always will be. I understand, and I'm here for you," Abigail smiled and patted Sebastian on the shoulder. He smiled back at her thankfully. Abigail knew from the beginning it probably wouldn't work out. She just wanted at least one date with her childhood crush.

She was pretty surprised when she realized she knew about Sebastian's feelings for Avery before he did, however.

The ride back felt a lot shorter than the bus ride there. The bus  rolled to a stop, and the two got off and made their way to town together.

"Well, I'll see you later. Thanks again for going with me," Abigail smiled. "Thanks for asking me. I'll see you around," Sebastian nodded in response and left to go up the hill back home.

As soon as he was out of sight, Abigail nearly ran to Sam's house. She busted through the front door and hurried to Sam's room. She pounded on the door a few times before Sam opened it, half awake.

"And how may I help you at the butt crack of dawn?" Sam rubbed his eye tiredly. "He has no idea," Abigail said sternly. "What?" Sam asked, a confused look on his face. "You know how I asked him on a date just to be able to let it go?" "Yeah." "And that we knew it wasn't going to work out for obvious reasons?" "Yeah..." "He has no idea."

"You're kidding," Sam laughed, stepping to the side so Abigail could come in his room. Abigail gave him a look, and Sam realized she was serious. "Oh my god," his eyes widened.

"He doesn't even know he likes her?" Sam laughed. "That boy is so oblivious." "Yeah but how are they going to get together if Sebastian doesn't even know?" Abigail asked, now taking responsibility to get Avery and Sebastian to date.

"It'll happen in time I'm sure," Sam assured her. "Sebastian will get it eventually. We just have the pleasure of sitting back and watching everything play out," he shrugged.

Sam and Abigail talked about Sebastian and Avery for hours without realizing it. There wasn't too much they could do without getting in their business. The only thing left to do was sit, wait, and see what happens.

Authors Note:
Thank you so much for 100+ reads ;-; it means so much to me <3 :,) I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

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