Chapter 7: The Crush

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I stood in front of the mirror, running my eyes over the outfit I wore. Today was Friday, and I was going to the saloon with Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian.

The four of us have went before, but it was only here and there for lunch or to grab a quick drink. Tonight was different though. It was Friday evening, and everyone was going to be there since it was the start of the weekend.

I smiled at myself in the mirror again, and took off out the front door. They were supposed to be in the back room with the pool table. Sam promised they wouldn't get food without me, but out of the three of them he would be the one to break the "promise", so who knew what would happen.

I pushed the door of the saloon open, and a couple people looked over and waved. I waved back at them with a smile, and closed the door behind me. The sound of people chattering, glasses clinking, and the sound of music from the jukebox made the building come to life. "Hey Avery!" Clint raises his hand in a greeting. "The pool room is back that way," he pointed, already knowing who I was looking for. "Thanks Clint!" I nodded, and followed the direction he pointed me in.

Abigail spotted me first as I came around the corner. "Hey Aves!" "Hey Abigail! Hey guys," I smiled at them all as I walked over to sit beside Abigail on the couch. "Wanna watch me destroy Sam in a game of pool?" Sebastian gave me a half smile. "Hey! I could win," Sam sighed. "Yeah okay," Abigail joked.

"He's that bad huh?" I laughed. "Nah, I'm just that good," Sebastian shook his head. We shared a smile before he started the game of pool.

Sebastian and I had met this past Wednesday as we promised. It went really well too. We met under the oak tree off of the path between our houses. It was a short little vent session, but it was just what he needed that day. I was more than happy to be there for him.

"Hey, while they're playing their game do you wanna come order the food with me?" Abigail asked. "Sure! Do you know what they want or?" "Oh they get the same thing every time we come here, it won't be a problem," she laughed.

Abigail led the way to the counter, and I followed shortly behind her. Gus quickly wrote down the order Abigail gave to him and nodded. "We'll have this ready for you soon! I'll have Emily run it back do you guys." "Thanks Gus!" The two of us smiled, and headed back to the pool table room.

"Alright guys, they'll be bringing it back here in a bit," Abigail announced to Sam and Sebastian. Sam glanced over at her with a nod, and nervously looked back to Sebastian.

"Aww man come on!" Sam frowned as Sebastian knocked another ball in. "Sorry dude," Sebastian shrugged and laughed. "Maybe someday. The game isn't over yet though, so you might have a chance." "Oh hah hah. Smartass." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick," I spoke to Abigail as I stood up off of the couch. "No problem! Don't fall in," she joked. "I'll make sure to call you if I do," I replied sarcastically, trying to hold back a laugh.

• • •

As I dried off my hands and walked out of the bathroom, the jukebox switched songs. It was Happy Together by The Turtles. "Aww man, I love this song," I whispered to myself.

I walked back down the hall to my friends, listening to the song and singing through the words in my head. Sebastian looked up at me and smiled, and I smiled back.

'The only one for me is you, and you and me, so happy together'

The jukebox seemed to blare those words in the back of my head, and the gaze I held with Sebastian seemed to last a century. It was then I realized it. Even from the beginning of the song I was thinking of him without realizing it.

Wanting to see him. Feeling weird when Abigail told me of her crush on him. How comforted I felt when he hugged me. God.

I had a crush on Sebastian.

I felt almost sick in realizing it. This was the first time I really had anything more of an interest in anybody. And I couldn't ever do that to Abigail. That would make me an awful friend. There was no way I could pursue a romantic relationship with him. I wanted to be happy, but I didn't want to be a bad friend.

"Hey... you okay?" Sam looked over at me and patted my shoulder, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just listening to the song," I chuckled nervously. "It's a good song," Sebastian nodded in agreement.

"Just making sure," Sam assured me, and went back to the game. I walked over and sat down by Abigail, who had my food sat out for me. "Thanks Abigail," I smiled. "Of course!" She beamed back. I could never hurt her feelings like that. I felt like an awful friend for even thinking about it, or having feelings in the first place.

I continued my night on as normal, not wanting to think about it too much. If I was too weird, they would surely notice. We all ate, talked, and watch Sam lose a couple games of pool.

The four of us filed out of the saloon late at night, and shared a few words before we decided to head home. "Hey," Sebastian stopped me. "Yeah?" I asked, my heart racing. "I can walk you home if you want? You live kinda out of the way and it's pretty dark out," he offered with a sincere smile on his face . "O-Oh, sure!" I nodded.

Sebastian walked beside me as we set off for my farm. "So are you sure you're okay? You had a weird little spell at the saloon," He pointed out. "Yeah I'm fine, I promise," I nodded. "I just got lost in my thoughts." "Well as long as you're okay. I'm always here for you," he reminded me, and I nodded back at him with a smile.

We made it to the front door of the cabin, and Sebastian seemed satisfied. "Thanks for letting me walk you home. I knew you would have been okay. I just don't want anything happening to one of my friends," he laughed.

"I appreciate it! Thanks again Sebastian," I replied. "Well I'll see you around. Have a good night," he smiled and waved before leaving.

I walked inside and flopped down on my bed. Things just got a lot more complicated as of tonight. Even if Abigail lost interest in Sebastian, he would never feel the same way about me. It didn't matter though. I wasn't going to act on it. Nobody could know about the feelings I had for him. No one.

Happy Together: Sebastian (Stardew Valley)Where stories live. Discover now