Chapter 1: Impressions

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The last few days had been really busy. Between cleaning the debris off of the farm, getting some crops started, and meeting some of the townspeople, the days were pretty well packed. It was a nice town. Aside from a few grouches, the people were generally pretty friendly and welcoming.

'Better than the city,' I reminded myself as I hauled my heavy bag up the hill. During my conversation with Mayor Lewis and Robin, they had mentioned she was the towns carpenter. I was thankful she was there.... but why at the top of a hill? It didn't really matter, but man was this stuff getting heavy.

In the midst of cleaning up part the farm, I was able to gather enough supplies to have a Robin build a coop. I didn't have a ton of money, but Robin said she would be able to take payments as long as I paid regularly.

As I opened the door, a little bell rang. Robin's gaze lifted, and her eyes lit up. "Hey Avery!" She smiled. "Hey," I smiled back at her. "I decided I want to get a chicken coop! Payments are still okay, right?" "Of course! I trust you," she assured me as she leaned over the counter.

I laid the bag of supplies on the counter along with the first payment. It may have been most of my money, but I didn't want to feel like I was underpaying Robin. "The whole process will take about three days or so," she explained. "That's okay, that'll give me time to focus on my parsnips for a second," I chuckled.

I heard a door shut, and some footsteps. I didn't think much of it until I heard a deep monotone voice. "Hey mom, I'm going to head over to-"

I couldn't help but look over. My eyes locked with a pair of cold, dark ones. The boy had stopped speaking when he saw I was there. He was tall. Much taller than I was for sure. He was dressed head to toe in black. I didn't mind it though. In fact I... kind of liked it?

Reality came back quickly when Robin spoke up. "Oh hey Sebby!" She smiled endearingly. "Avery, this is my son Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Avery, the new farmer that just moved in on the other side of town."

"H-Hi. Nice to meet you," I managed to force at least something out, even if it was a bit shaky. "Hey," Sebastian nodded in response. Not much of a people person I guessed. Still nicer than that Shane guy from yesterday though.

"Anyways, I'm headed over to Sam's house," He finished before walking out the door. I couldn't help but stare after him.

"He usually hardly tells me where he's going anymore. He must have been in a good mood today,"  Robin chuckled. "Sebastian might come off as a bit cold, but he's a nice boy deep down."

"Y-Yeah he seems like he would be pretty nice once you get to know him," I agreed with her not really knowing what else to say. "He is friends with Sam after all," I joked. I had only spoken to Sam a few times, but Sam was very outgoing. More so than Sebastian from the sounds of things.

"And Abigail," Robin added, shaking her head. Although I hadn't heard of her, there wasn't any doubt she was nice if she was friends with Sam too. "Those three are always off getting into something. I trust them though. They're goofy but they're good kids," Robin nodded to herself.

Robin scribbled a few things down on a piece of paper before she looked back up. "I have your first payment marked down. I'll be there pretty early tomorrow morning to get everything started, so I'm sorry if I wake you up," she laughed. "But you're all good to go!"

"Thank you Robin, have a good one!" I waved to her as I walked out the door, the bell ringing again.

I walked back down through town and decided to stop by Pierre's on the way back to the farm. "Hey Pierre!" I greeted him as I walked through the door. "Good morning Avery," he smiled. "What can I get for you today?" "I just need to get some parsnip seeds. Some crows got to a couple of my crops before I could get a scarecrow out," I explained. "No problem! Give me just a moment," he said, and began shuffling through one of the boxes behind the counter.

A purple haired girl came from a door to the right, and she walked up to the other side of the counter to lean on it. "So you must be Avery, right?" She asked curiously with a smile on her face. "Yeah, nice to meet you," I smiled back. "My name is Abigail," she introduced herself.

"I like your hair, the color looks really good on you," I mentioned. "Thanks Avery, that means a lot," Abigail's smile turned into a grin. "Usually when you live in Stardew Valley and you look different, people just stare or give weird looks." "Well I think you look awesome," I encouraged her.

"Alright, here are the seeds you wanted," Pierre set the parsnip seeds on the counter and punched a couple numbers on the register. "Thanks Pierre," I nodded. I paid for the seeds, and grabbed my bag and the receipt.

"It was nice meeting you Abigail! Maybe we can hang out some time," I offered as I began walking out. "I'd love that! I'll see you later Avery," Abigail smiled and waved.

The door to Pierre's shop closed behind me, and I set off towards the farm. There was still a lot to get done today, but I could manage. Twigs and rocks were piled up around the place, and there were weeds everywhere. It looked better than it did at the beginning of the week when I got here, but it still needed a lot of work.

Besides, I would need to decide where I wanted the coop before Robin got here tomorrow morning. She can't exactly build something on top of all of the clutter.

The chest I made yesterday would be the perfect spot  to put everything. Right now it just sat empty by the front porch. It would be nice to have all of my building materials in one place. Eventually I'll need a Silo and a barn, so saving up some wood and stone wouldn't hurt.

• • •

A good sized space was finally cleared for the coop. It didn't take too long but exhaustion hit hard. I sat on the front porch and watched the sun set. It made me sad almost. Being on your own is nice, but it would be fun to have someone to share the moments like this with.

The coolness of my bedsheets felt like a breath of fresh air that night, but I was thankful. Today was a good day, and tomorrow was bound to be one too.

Authors Note:
Rewriting this took way longer than I thought it would so the rest more than likely won't be out tonight but we'll see lol. Hopefully this is more fun to read than it was originally :)

Thank you!

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