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For the next three days, Bahja and Jacob hung out and did their usual fun outtings. But Bahja couldn't shake this strange feeling that Jacob wasn't being a hundred perecent honest with Bahja. She felt like he was using her and making her catch feelings for him so him and his family could gain fame and more fortune. Bahja laughed and shook those crazy thoughts off. Jacob would never use Bahja. Bahja and Jacob were best friends...maybe even future lovers. Bahja watched as Jacob threw pebbles into the creek.

"Jacob...can I ask you a question?" I sigh.

"Sure Bahj. Ask whatever." Jacob turned around so he could be face to face with me.

"How would you feel if someone was using you for your fame but you didn't know and you continued to be friends with this person not knowing that he/she is using and then finally the secret comes out an-"

"Bahja. You're babbling and that will never happen. It takes me a long time to put my trust into a friendship and a very long time to put my trust into that person." Jacob turned back around and continued to throw his pebbles.

Of course Bahja wanted to believe in what Jacob said, but she still had that strange feeling. Jacob threw his last pebble into the water before turning to go up the rocks and stopping where Bahja was standing.

"I'm starving. Let's go get some Zaxbys, eh?" Jacob chuckled and elbowed me.

"I could go for some Zaxbys. But I have to tell my peeps back home." I say.

"Alright. When you're done with that, I'll be waiting by your gate. I have to go switch my shoes real quick." Jacob said before running off.

"See you in about five minutes Jay!" I yell.

"See you in five Bahj." Jacob yelled back.

Jacob and Bahja parted ways and soon reunited at the time they had set.

"Are you ready to go?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Bahja followed Jacob to his car.

"So when are you getting your new car?" Jacob asks while getting into the driver's seat.

"I don't know. Hopefully soon though...can't wait to just you know...have a drive around and chill." I smile thinking of the thought of me in my own car.

"That sounds like a good, peaceful, calming thought." Jacob smiled.

"Yeah. It is." I smile back.

It got awkwardly silent.

"So how about instead of Zaxbys, we could you know...go to a real restaurant and just sit down. What do you think about that?" Jacob asked.

"Oh yeah...that's absolutely fine." I nervously said.

"Well alright. Let's get going." Jacob started up his car and we were off.

Once Jacob and Bahja got to the restaurant, Bahja immediately looked confused.

"I've never seen this place before..." I looked at Jacob.

"That's because it's new. I just wanted to take you here because I heard that they have the best chicken tenders." Jacob chuckled.

"Ohh. I'm game then." I smiled.

Bahja and Jacob were immediately seated in the more private area which was basically in the back of the restaurant. The waitress soon approached them.

"Hello my name is Jaycee, what can I get you two today?" Jaycee showed her perfect pearly whites.

"I'd like chicken tenders and just some ice water please." I smiled.

"Alrighty. What about you Mr. Nirvana?" Jaycee joked.

"I'll have the same thing. And yeah. I love them." Jacob laughed.

"Really? Me too! What's your favorite song? And please don't say the really usual ones." Jaycee said.

"Oh no. I love a lot of their music. I can't just pick one." Jacob answered.

"Mmmm. Maybe we should hang out sometimes and you know...listen to some music." Jaycee suggested.

"Yeah. That'd be cool." Jacob nodded.

"Here's my number." Jaycee wrote on Bahja's napkin and then handed it to Jacob.

"And I'll be right back with your food." Jaycee showed off her gorgeous smile again before leaving to put in the orders.

Bahja couldn't believe that girl. How could she just do that? And how could Jacob just sit there and let her? Bahja was furious.

"I have to go." Bahja got up.

I'm sorry for all the errors. I still haven't got my computer fixed. But I'm trying. Hope you liked this chapter.

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