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I rubbed my eyes as I was just waking
up from sleeping. I screamed--loud. I was naked in a bed that for sure wasn't mine and had white gooey stuff all over me. I tried to sit up but I yelped in pain. I held my hand over my mouth as tears began to stream down my face. I didn't even drink any alcohol last night but my head was beaming. I spotted my clutch across the room and attempted to walk over and get it. It hurt so bad. I grit my teeth in pain. I was relieved of my pain when I finally reached the clutch. I took out my phone and dialed my mom.

"Bahja!" My mom yelled. "Where are you?" She asked.

"I-I don't know. It looks like a motel room. I just woke up in someone else's bed and I was naked and momma I'm so scared. Please help me." I cried.

"I'm on my way baby. The police use the tracker I put in your phone. We're on our way!" I could tell my mother was torn apart.

"Okay." I wiped the tears off my cheek before hanging up.

I walked around the room, in search of my dress. Once I found it, I quickly put it on. I looked around the room. I felt so dirty. Physically and emotionally I was fucked up. Soon my mother and the police showed up. My mother ran over to me and pulled me into her arms.

"Are you okay baby?" My mother was shaking with tears in her eyes.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered.


"I don't believe you. Come on. Let's get you to a hospital." Momma dragged me out of the motel and drove me to the hospital.

At the hospital, my mother was freaking out because the doctor had been gone for ten minutes now.

"It's all my fault. I should've been up in the VIP section with you."

"Mom it's okay. I just want to leave here now." I shrugged her off.

"Are you sure? I think we should stay here and see what's going on." My mother said.

"I'm fine." I simply said as I got up and left the room.

My mother walked with her arm across my shoulder.

"Love you Bee." My mother wiped her tears away.

"Love you too ma." I slightly smiled.

But after Bahja and Bey left, the doctor had finally returned.

"There are signs of semen in Bahja." The doctor said before realizing no one was in the room.

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