Keep Your Cool (part one)

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Once I got home I trashed everything in my room. I was enraged at not only the girl, also at Jacob's behavior. His ignorance was surely not blissful. I let out a loud grunt before collapsing on top of my bed. Once my skin touched my lavender silk sheets, I suddenly started to calm down. Lavender and silk does that to you. I rubbed my temples before taking another breath. Why was I acting like this? Jacob wasn't my boyfriend. Though he acted as if he was, he wasn't. We were still holding onto the title "best friend". I sat up and huffed as I looked around my room. I began picking up the things I threw and cleaning up. After I was finished cleaning my room, I went downstairs to get something to eat. Nancy, one of my older maids, came into the kitchen.

"What are you up to Bahja?" Nancy narrowed her eyes at me.

"Nothing today Nancy." I laughed.

"I'll be watching you kid. Just like a feline watching it's prey." Nancy spat.

"Whatever you say Mrs. Nancy." I smile before getting up and exiting the kitchen.

Just as I was about to walk up the stairs I heard a knock at the door. Terrence, another security guard of mine, opened it.

"It's for you Bahja." Terrence yelled.

"I'm right here Terrence. No need to yell." I retort.

"Nique Nique!" I squeal.

"Bahj!" Zonnique squeals louder.

We laugh as we fall into each other's arms. Literally.

"I missed you so much Bee!" Nique smiled.

"I believe I missed you more though!" I returned her smile.

"Don't think that's possible babe." Zonnique makes her way up the stairs.

"Well just make yourself at home!" I roll my eyes playfully.

"I will." Zonnique says.

I follow Nique up the stairs and into my room.

"So how's it been in Cali? You meet any hotties yet?" Zonnique asks.

"Sucks to say but nope. I actually do have a crush on someone though...." I blush.

"Really? What's his name?" Zonnique sits her purse near the edge of my bed.

"Jacob." I smile.

"As in...stuck up Jacob? Breaunna's brother, Jacob?" Zonnique questioned.

"Yeah...but he's not like that anymore! He's funny, kind, adorable, and he understands me." I rubbed my arm.

"You sound like one of those oblivious girls that be on reality TV shows." Nique said.

"Shut up." I laugh and throw a pillow at her.

Nique catches the pillow and as she's about to say something, she looks out the window.

"Your boo's here." Zonnique teases.

"He is not my boo and you're lying." I throw one of my small pillows at her.

"Enough with the pillows and if you think I'm lying, check it out for yourself." Nique makes room so I can see out the window.

Jacob is standing at my door, with white roses, and he's pacing back and forth. His Afro moves a bit with every step he takes. How cute. Finally, he knocks on the door. I rush out my room and down the steps. I push Terrence out the way and hurriedly opened the door.

"Hey." Jacob shyly smiles.

"What's up?" I smile.

"I-I just wanted to apologize and everything for whatever I did to make you leave today." Jacob hands me the roses.

I wanted to go off on him about how much he made me look bad and how much he knew I liked him and how much I was the jealous type.

"Jacob I-" I was cut off by pink, plump, lips connecting with my basic kind of dark pink ones.

"And I also wanted to ask you on a date. Tomorrow night at 11:00am. Breakfast. Just you and me." Jacob says once he pulled back.

"Y-yeah." I croak.

"See you tomorrow at 11 then." Jacob waves.

"Tomorrow at 11." I turned my sassiness back on.

"Bye." Jacob says before turning and leaving.

"Bye." I wave back and then after a few minutes, I close the door.

How does he do that to me? He makes me look like an idiot. A love struck idiot. I need to learn how to keep my cool around him. I'm starting to fall apart.

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