Grave Keeper: Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

"No, most likely they are," All Might chuckled, scratching his cheek. "If I remember reading what Chiron dropped into my lap, Circe hates men who are stubbornly arrogant and pompous. Her favorite thing to do to them is to turn those men into pigs, sometimes other livestock. She's quite sadistic when she wants to be. Remember what she said about turning sailors into pigs and then feeding them to her comrades?"

"That's... disgusting. Even more knowing that Pigs are omnivores," Eraserhead said flatly. Eri just gazed at him with wide eyes. She was still getting used to being free, it seemed. If he remembered, she had started screaming when the doctors tried to detach her from Mirio. Circe had told him that she only calmed when someone else from the rescue team picked her up.

Circe also assured the doctors that she would take care of her until Chiron arrived. The archer would take over as a doctor when it came to checking her health for a time. She suspected that the girl had PTSD of medical equipment and needed a more... natural way of cure. Eventually, she would get used to it, but that day was not today. It would take time.

Of course, that all went out the window when the Police said that they needed Circe to release the spell that was sticking Chisaki to the slab of concrete in order to move him. Because moving it to the hospital had been fine, but apparently moving it to Tartarus was not.

The door slid open again and this time the conversation and arguments stopped.

"Oh, Chiron-sensei!" Midoriya said, perking as Gran Torino poked his head in too. "And Gran Torino, too!"

"Hello, you damn disasters," the old man grunted as they stepped in. "Looks like the both of our groups managed to tie up loose ends for a while."

"Chiron, why are you in handcuffs?" Circe asked as she sat on the once police officer. The poor man was now a purple-colored pig and Mirai was unsure if it was the drugs in his system that made him want to find the situation overly funny or not.

"Because hotshot Archer over here killed another villain," Gran Torino scoffed as they sat. Gray just sighed.

"In all fairness, that monster almost killed you and Tsukauchi," Chiron defended, "I had every right to shoot Gigantomachia with everything I had."

"So you succeeded in taking down the league?" All Might asked and Chiron shook his head.

"Not fully, but Gigantomachia and Kurogiri are off the board for now. Kurogiri is currently in Tartarus, though from what it sounds like, Circe might be taking him too," he said, glancing to the Caster who had chosen to start fussing over Eri instead of listening to them. "After Greece clears me once again, I plan on returning to take the rest of them into Custody— at least. Gigantomachia will return to the earth. The rest is just clean up."

"You set fire to a forest," Gran Torino grumbled.

"Did you want him to come back to life? I dragged Endeavor along for a reason, you know. It was a controlled cremation," he countered and Mirai let a small chuckle escape his lips. Chiron had always seemed like a rule-follower and lenient type. He knew that the Servant was ruthless, of course, he had gotten the reports on Chiron's killing of All for One like many other heroes, but it still stood.

He didn't give off the aura of someone who killed others and set fires to forests.

And he didn't seem like one to ever start a banter with Gran Torino in such a manner.

He wondered if he could get further details on their mission out of him, just out of curiosity.

"How are all the others doing?" Gran Torino asked Eraserhead as Chiron got distracted by Eri, kneeling down by Circe and introducing himself. The girl seemed to be drawn to him as Gray finally laid back to rest.

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