Grave Keeper: Chapter 3

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How are you all doing?


Today Class 1-A was going to be working on Super Moves.

That's what Aizawa had told them as Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss had burst into the classroom.

Of course, that left Astolfo and Gray at a loss again as they stood in Gym Gamma, watching their classmates in their Hero Costumes train with Ectoplasm's clones. Ojiro was nearby, training on refining his basics while Ashido was working on the range of her Acid Shots. Kirishima was working on his hardening, Yaoyorozu was working on her speed, and Bakugou was just having fun making stuff explode.

"What do you think, Gray?" Astolfo asked as he stood on a plateau above the Assassin. Two of Ectoplasm's clones were standing nearby, one for him and one for Gray.

Gray sighed, shifting Add in her hands. "It's a bit hard for us, isn't it?" she asked with a slight laugh, dodging Ectoplasm's kick. "In all honestly, I used to want to try to do a stage One and a Half with Add, condensing Mana around the other blades that he could become..."

"Then why not work on that?" Ectoplasm asked and Gray shrugged.

"We're only as strong as our Master before we have to start pulling from our own stores of energy," Astolfo said, "And while I have more than enough in my Rider form, and enough to change into a Saber for a while and maybe twice a day now? Something like that. Gray doesn't have that same luxury. While strong, his reserves aren't a Dragon's."

Gray nodded. "It's possible, but I don't want to strain my Master at the moment," she admitted Ectoplasm thought.

"Can you lower the blast power of Rhongomyniad?" the Clone Hero asked and Gray nodded.

"A bit. Still really destructive, but I can lower it a bit," she said, "So letting it loose here still wouldn't be smart, I don't want to injure anyone here."

The Hero seemed to be at a sort of a loss as he nodded slowly. "I'm afraid I don't know how to help you then," he admitted, "But we can continue sparring if you wish."

Gray nodded, adjusting her stance. "Yes!"

"And you shouldn't be dazing off either, Astolfo," the second clone scolded and the Rider turned back to him, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry!" he said, "Let's keep going! I guess I figured out what I want to do now and that's to quicken the speed of my Class change!"

Ectoplasm nodded. "Very good."

Aizawa watched the two Servants for a moment, eyes passive as he looked away from them. He glanced over the rest of the students before a voice pulled him from his observation.

"Everyone's hard at work, huh?"

He turned around, raising a brow. "All Might?"

"Yeah, I am here..." the blonde man said tiredly before popping into his muscle form. "Because I had the day off and didn't have anything else to do!"

"Can you please go and focused on your recovery?" Aizawa asked tiredly as Kayama looked over as well.

"Now, now, we wouldn't want to miss a day like today," a second voice said and Chiron peered out from behind him. Aizawa raised both brows this time.

"Today's a special day, they're working on power moves, right? Besides, I was just released from prison," the Centaur continued as Yagi deflated back to his normal self, the two of them walking (or trotting, in Chiron's case) over to the dark-haired heroes.

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