Grave Keeper: Chapter 5

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College hates me, but it's fine.


Astolfo had to hand it to the other schools— they were tough. With so many students after U.A.'s own, one would have expected the twenty-two of them to get overwhelmed and for a number of them to drop out quickly

But if that were to happen, how could any of them call themselves students of the Great Sage of Centaurs?

Astolfo grinned as Gray held onto his waist. The weights on their wrists barely held them down (the Embassy would have to try harder next time) as Hippogriff took off across the skies. It was certainly unfair for the two of them to even be in the exam— when debating it with the staff and the Embassy's representative, Chiron had stated as such. Weights would only do so much against the Rider who captured a Giant and the Flesh of King Arthur.

Chiron, of course, had been scoffed at and the Archer just sighed and shook his head. Astolfo knew that centaur was used to it, but it still bugged him that he and Gray weren't being taken seriously.

"Where are we headed, again?" Astolfo asked as he guided Hippogriff down for a landing. Both of them had scored their two "takedowns" in the first few minutes of the exam. It didn't help that it was going to be a new moon tonight.

A fully reasonable Astolfo was more of a terror than a full moon inflicted one.

"There," Gray said, pointing at a sign that read 'Anteroom' with an arrow pointing to a door in the wall of the stadium. Astolfo nodded, landing the Phantasmal Beast and vanishing it.

"Oh, you two are done already?" a voice asked and the two turned, seeing Todoroki walk up.

"Hey, Todo," Astolfo greeted and the boy nodded to them. "Yep, we're done. You were quick too, color me impressed."

Todoroki hummed as the three of them walked in. "Chiron-sensei's training helped. I'm still sluggish when it comes to using both sides of my Quirk, but I'm getting there."

"Maybe one day you'll learn how to move water too," Add snarked and Gray shook him to shut him up. There were quite a few others in the room already and Astolfo glanced around. He spotted Inasa talking to another applicant excitedly but the dark-haired boy stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Todoroki.

Astolfo raised a brow.

It seemed the boy had a strange grudge against Todoroki.

"Hey, did you like, give Inasa frostbite or something?" he asked as he sat by the half-cold, half-hot boy. Todoroki shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Well..." Gray sighed, glancing over. "Watch your back then... he seems to have it out for you."

The boy nodded. "Okay..."

She smiled before she stretched. "Thirsty? I'm going to grab water."

"Ooh! I am!" Astolfo chirped, standing up and Todoroki stood as well, nodding.


All the U.A. students had passed the first half of the exam. Of course, that meant that only one part of the battle was over and Gray worried for her classmates.

The next section was rescue-based instead of combat-based. Between she and Astolfo, they had enough experience with helping others and making sure they were okay, but the rest of the class?

They weren't exactly the best at it, she noticed. Especially Bakugou.

At least they weren't going to be worrying about Shiketsu or Ketsubutsu teaming up against them again and Todoroki and Inasa were going to be as far away as possible if Astolfo and Gray could help it.

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