Grave Keeper: Chapter 4

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I have seven things to do and I haven't done any of them


The day of the provisional license exam had arrived and Chiron had ended up tagging along with Aizawa to oversee the students. He was mostly just curious about how the system worked, but he also needed to get off campus for a while and this was the best way to do it. The Hero Embassy was wary. He had destroyed the "Heroes don't kill" stigma that had been built up in Japan and even with Greece and Clocktower backing him, Chiron had been subject to a... lighter punishment.

Glorified house arrest.

He couldn't go anywhere off UA campus without another Pro Hero with him. This glorified house arrest would be continuing for another few weeks, though he supposed that there were worse things that could happen to him.

"Everyone seems excited," Chiron noted as he stepped off the bus. Aizawa grunted, nodding as the rest of the students followed.

The kids were jittery and full of nerves as Astolfo and Gray both adjusted the weights on their arms. The Hero Embassy had no problems with letting the two get a provisional license, as long as they were handicapped. Meaning Gray couldn't use her Noble Phantasm and Astolfo was limited to one class— and both were weighed down by fifteen pounds. Which wouldn't hinder them at all. Chiron had tried to tell them that, but he was overruled and fifteen was the limit they were given.

"If you guys are able to pass this exam and get your provisional licenses, then you're no longer eggs," Aizawa was saying as he addressed the students. "You will become chicklings."

"Aizawa, that's not a real word," Chiron said, his tail flicking as he adjusted his footing. A few of the other people coming to the exam glanced over at him and if they recognized the Archer in his true form or not, he didn't know.

Aizawa just shrugged. "Real word or not, you all will be incubated to become semi-professionals," he told them. "Do your best."

"Remember," Chiron added, "Don't get stressed out over it, you've faced trials before. Keep a calm mind and push through them without fear."

The students seemed to perk at their teachers' talk and nodding at their words.

"All right! Let's do it!" Uraraka cried, "Let's become chicklings!"

"Okay everyone, gather around!" Kirishima called, holding his fist up as Aizawa yawned. Chiron just smiled, tilting his head slightly as a dark-haired boy in a hat snuck up behind the redheaded boy.


"ULTRA!" the black-haired boy roared alongside the rest of the U.A. students, startling them.

"It's not good to randomly insert yourself into other people's huddles," another voice said as a group of students walked up. "Inasa."

The students were all wearing the Shiketsu uniform and Chiron raised a brow. So they were all classmates, then.

"AHHHH! DAMMIT!" the boy now known as Inasa laughed before he bowed so low that he slammed his head against the pavement. "PLEASE ACCEPT MY HUMBLEST APOLOGIES!"

"He seems enthusiastic," Chiron murmured and Aizawa nodded.

"Inasa, Yoarashi. Astolfo Gray," he said and the two Servants who were standing close to them in the back turned, glancing at him.

"That one's strong, I'm not supposed to tell you kids what to do, but be careful of him," the Erasure hero said as the students conversed. "He received the top score in the entrance exam and passed," he continued as the U.A. Students listened in. "He declined, for some reason."

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