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"Aye, what I'm saying is true.. or is it wrong to live amongst the mortals and rule again." Apris, god of Memphis asked Nut.

"Hypothetically speaking Apris, we don't have to settle on earth. It is unwise." Thoth god of wisdom said trying to convince the god, from his foolishness.

"I don't agree with you Thoth." Geb, god of the earth said abruptly. "If we live amongst the mortals, we'll be able to correct the damage they've done." Geb said as the gods murmur and whisper among themselves.

"Damage! That's nonsense, the mortals have done nothing wrong. Stop talking gibberish." Anubis, god of the underworld, regarded Geb with a disgusting look.

"What!... I'm talking gibberish?" Geb opened his mouth with shock.

"Aye.... you heard me Geb, you're talking like you have no sense at all." Anubis hissed, Geb snapped.

"How dare you speak to me that way Lord Anubis.....on what grounds." Geb fumed, his eyes ignited sparks of fire. Anubis too hit his staff on the ground as his eyes gleamed of flames.

Immediately, an argument broke out in the council chamber. The gods and goddesses started threatening themselves with their powers.

"Enough of this charade." Selket, goddess of scorpions says, trying to stop the gods from attacking each other.

"You are no match for me Geb." Anubis scowled, taking a formation of attack.

"Indeed, but we'll see who has more power than the other." Geb said as his whole body engulfed fire, with a sword in his hands, he was ready to fight the god of the dead.

The noise, shouts and arguments were rumbling the clouds, causing thunder storms and rage.

"Anubis is right Geb, We cannot invade earth and have dominion over the mortals, it is impossible." Mut, vulture headed goddess of war came in-between the two gods trying to stop them from killing each other.

"Impossible" Geb hissed. "Anything is possible as far as there is law, order and a god." He added, charging himself to strike.

"Nonsense. All that you're saying, makes no sense at all." Anubis clamored.

"We'll see about that Anubis. The moment I'm done with you, I'll make sure you journey into the underworld by foot." Geb threatened.

Both gods gushed about themselves, causing other gods to take sides. At the moment when Anubis and Geb were about to strike each other down, out of nowhere, a lighting bolt evaded the chamber as everything rumbled.

"Enough." Raet-Tawaret, queen of the gods said sharply, appearing with anger shining in her eyes, the whole place went dead silent like a grave yard.

"What is going on here, your noise causing a commotion on the earth balance." She said as she proceed to her throne, her elaborate white long sheath dress, spawned with golden embroidery was dragged behind her as the gods and goddesses make way whist bowing in obeisance.

"I wonder what could be causing such noise." She mounted the threshold, and then the dias, before sitting on her throne, signaling the gods to take their rightful seats.

With the council seated, the queen lashed out. "Where there is no law, there is no sin, but I wonder why tension is burning in this council, so please can someone explain to me what the fuss is all about?" The queen asked angrily looking at their faces.

"My Queen, before your gracious arrival, we were just discussing a little matter." Nut replied, the queen hissed.

"I see, a little matter, that almost made the god of earth and the god of the underworld go into combat! Nut don't lie to me." The queen's voice hardened. "What is going on?" She asked in a commanding tone.

Queen of Egypt: The Rise Of Nefertiri {Book One} || 2019Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz