Chapter 5 | I Hate Volleyball

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Chapter 5

Word Count: 5.4 k


Sawamura Daichi had always been pretty sure about himself. He knew his likes and dislikes, understood what he strived for, what he had to do to succeed. He liked to think he was a reasonably nice guy, with a small group of people he could call his close friends. He liked keeping an eye out for these friends, making sure they were okay.

Recently, there was an addition to a group of people he called his friends. While Daichi usually tended to stay with people near his age, he hadn't had an issue befriending this younger girl. While their meeting was somewhat dangerous, seeing as he did stop her from tumbling down the stairs, it was probably what solidified their relationship. It was a day Daichi was glad he decided to leave his house early, no matter how tired he had felt.

Ibato Chiaki was someone that he wanted to keep around him because he was concerned for her. Some may ask if he pitied her. But that wasn't the case. Instead, he admired the tall, silver-haired female. She was a strong young woman with a heart of gold. She loved from the bottom of her heart, loyal to those she cares, warm and accepting.

However, Daichi also knew that behind those characteristics, she hid something deeper within her, unwilling to share it with him or Sugawara. Not yet, at least. Something Daichi was hoping would change as they grew closer. The Karasuno VBC captain was pretty sure that it was the same for Sugawara, his closest friend.

On multiple occasions, Daichi had seen Chiaki shrink back, a distinct look flashing in her eyes. While she stayed strong, there were times when she could become so fragile that he couldn't help but want to stretch his hand out to her. And, as much as his heart hurt, he knew the younger girl wouldn't take it.

In moments like those, Daichi never pushed her, allowing Chiaki to have her space. Or if he can, swerve her away from whatever that made her like that. He's been successful in doing precisely that with the help of Sugawara in the past.

But right now, he wasn't too sure if he'll be successful in doing that. Especially when a certain orange-haired first-year had no knowledge of the healing scars Chiaki had.

"Ace?! Wow! Wow! Wow! That has such a cool ring to it!" Hinata gasped, his brown eyes wide and shining as he jumped around in excitement. "And number one wing spiker, woah?!"

In his excitement, the ginger didn't notice the VBC members waving their arms frantically behind Chiaki, trying to stop him from continuing the conversation. Even Kageyama looked a bit panicked, the dark-haired boy's eyes widened as he opened and closed his mouth.

Daichi and Sugawara shared eye contact, the two third-years already getting a bad feeling as the conversation escalated without anyone being able to stop the excited boy who stared at Chiaki with starry eyes. The captain sent a glare to Tsukishima, who was the instigator of this conversation, the blond seeming to be pleased being the shit-starter.

"Aki-senpai is Japan's number one female spiker?! I want to see it! I want to see it! C-Can I have the honor of seeing your spike and serve?!" Hinata spoke fast, his whole body shaking out of excitement. If he was a dog, his tail would be wiggling so fast, his head would also have been vibrating.

Kageyama seemed to snap out of his stupor, angrily stomping his way to Hinata and yanking the back of his shirt, making the orange-haired boy stumble in surprise.

"Huh?! Wha-What are you doing, Kageyama?! Gyaaa! You're stretching my shirt!"

"Bōke! Shut up! You're loud, and you're troubling Aki-senpai!" The setter barked, his eyes darting between the smaller boy and the female, a hint of panic in them as he realized how silent Chiaki was.

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