Just another product of today

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Error speaking


Wing dings

How many resets had it been?

Sans had stopped counting after 200.

How many of them were genocide routes?

All of them

Why did he have to be the one to remember?

The one who has to just sit and watch as there friends die one by one.

And there killer gets to walk free.

He can't even beat her anymore

She has his attacks completely memorized

Why did he keep going?

Chara cant be stopped until she's had her fun

Then what?

What comes after?

She goes back to her mother and they rule of the this world.

But Sans didn't care, not anymore.

Remnant could burn for all he cared

But he would stop Chara For all she's done

He would stop the dirty brother killer

Sans was woken for what felt like the millionth time by crying. He didn't even look over as Pyyhra went and placed a comforting Hand on the Sobbing teen. Sans stopped himself and considered going and helping Pyyhra.

Error: focus. Team rwby leaves in 10 minutes, you only have a short window.

Sans slipped on his sneakers and sweatshirt, walking out of the room. Ren attempted to stop him as he always does, but Sans just shrugged him off and continued into an empty classroom. He reported out and next to the giant wall surrounding Vale, and looked at the watch on his wrist.

Error: we will show Chara she made a mistake letting us remember the resets, we know everything that will happen.

Sans's eye glowed a deep green?

Error: Sans?

He summoned Gaster blasters around him, but they were different, they were glowing green. Error smiled at this new revelation.

Error: your universe has semblances, and you've unlocked yours?

(Notyoureditor6666: whoa my dudes! Before you go and shit post and complain how Jaune/sans can't have a semblance yet it will be explained in later chapters! So please stay patient)

Sans nodded and prepared to fire his blasters, he again looked at the time. Almost 8, right when team rwby is called to ozpin's office.

Sans: I'm sure you've guessed what it is?

Error: acid?

Sans nodded

Sans: Acid.

The Gaster blasters fired into the wall, just as the clock struck 8. At first the wall held, but it began to melt in on itself being destroyed by Sans's poison. Sans sent an A picture of the destroyed wall as Grimm swarmed in and sent it to Opzin. He teleported out as Grimm began to swarm the city.

He teleported outside of ozpin's office team rwby ran out to go and stop the invading Grimm, he grabbed hold of charas arm and threw her into a spare classroom. She dusted herself off and drew her knife, but stopped when she saw a green glowing eye looking right at her.

Sans: hey kiddo.

He took a step forward, and chara took one backwards. She for once in her life was scared.

Chara: what?

Sans: I've let the Grimm into vale, and your going to go back to your mother and tell her to attack vale earlier then expected. Got it?

Chara summoned the RESET button and smiled at Sans, who seemed unfazed.

Chara: and what's to stop me from resetting? From just killing you again in the next genocide route?

Sans: now.

Errors strings attached themselves to the RESET button and tore it apart, it's pieces falling lamely to the floor.

Sans's smile grew wider as he took papyrus scarf out as his eye flared a deep green, he used his semblance on the fabric of his clothes and papyrus's scarf, permanently changing them to green. He took a step closer to the terrified girl.

Sans: go, NOW

chara scrambled to the door and ran off, back to her mother. Sans let his magic drop as he looked down at the remains of the RESET button, he kicked them across he room.

Sans: stupid button.

He causally walked by all the panicking students, all screaming about how the Grimm were invading vale. Some tripped over each other, while Sans calmly walked down the hallway hands in pockets, giant smile on his face. He even had to resist the erge to chuckle, there suffering was just so funny! 

He finally arrvived at ozpin's office and came face to face with the man himself, who was obviously distraught. His silver hair was messy and his glasses were sliding off his face, he was watching his scroll in horror. Sans walked past him into the secret elevator and down into the secret underground of beacon.

Error: there.

He walked up to the skull like machine with a bright light above it and aimed his Gaster blasters at it. Sans looked down at his scroll, and saw Chara and her mother leading the Grimm charge.

Sans: all according to plan....

He prepared to fire his blasters, and took one last look at Error.

Sans: see ya on the other side.

He fired his blasters at the core and a gaunt explosion accrued, sending Sans flying across the room. When he opened his eyes he was met by a group of people looking just like him.

Nightmare: hello Remnant

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Nightmare: hello Remnant

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