Dr gaster

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The Gaster is this chapter is based on Gaster from the short
"No  need to hide"
I'm not sure if that's the exact name but it's On YouTube. Watch it if you so desire.

Jaune looked at the man before him. He was a rather tall man wearing a long black trench coat. He had scars going through both his eyes, with one open and the other closed. With  a ever present smile on his face. Oh yeah small detail, HE IS A GOD DAM SKELETON!
Jaune: hey there! Please don't kill me!
The man seems to glitch once again, and opens his mouth.
Gaster: I apologize if I scared you with my talking. I haven't talked to anyone in quite a while. My name is Gaster. What's yours?
Jaune: Jaune.....
Gaster: hello Jaune. Why are you in this forest? No one ever comes this deep.
Jaune: well, I have a bag of stolen money here. And some huntresses tried to get it back, so I ran.
Gaster: why were you stealing? Don't you know that's against the law?
Jaune: well, I'm really hungry. And I have no money, so I decided to go get some!
Gaster: where is your family? By the looks of it your only about 16.
Jaune: they kicked me out. Aprenently I wasn't good enough for them. Since I have no aura.
Gasters smile dropped, as he glitched in place once again.
Gaster: that's horrible, but you don't seem weak. Strength is not measured in how much damage you can take.
Jaune: what do you mean?
Gaster: I mean, if someone didn't have aura. They could just dodge every attack thrown at them. And them attack.
Jaune: yeah if I could attack I would do that. But I can't, so I don't.
Gaster: that is most unfortunate. But what if I told You that you could give you the power to do that?
Jaune looked up at Gaster with wide eyes.
Jaune: you can! How?
Gaster: I have many abilities, and I wish to give you some power. No young soul such as yourself should suffer as you have suffered.
Jaune: what do you mean sir?
Gaster: you don't have a family, according to what you told me, you have no aura either.
Jaune: yes sir I was born without one.
Gaster: yes, and the power I wish to give you would not go well with aura.
Jaune: please! I'll do it!
Gaster: no need to get excited. This will not be a painless process.
Jaune: I'm ready sir.
Gaster: tred lightly Jaune. You can't go back after this. You will never be the same after.
Jaune: I'll do it sir!
Gaster: if you say so
Gaster puts his hand on jaunes head. Gaster's hand begins to glow a faint blue. As jaunes body begins to do the same. Jaune suddenly screams in agony as he clutches his right eye, Which begins to bleed. Jaunes body begins to transform. His left eye goes from normal blue to completely black, not even an iris was present. His hair goes from slightly white to bone white. His body gets thinner as his smile gets larger and larger. Jaune continues to scream in agony but the smile stays. As his screams die down, his smile stays. And he eventually falls to his knees, with Gaster consoling him.
Gaster: are you alright?
Jaune looks up at Gaster with his giant smile.
Jaune: that hurt a Skelton!
Gaster groans but smiles none the less. But there heartwarming moment is interrupted by a low growl. They look to see a small pack of beowoulfs coming out of the tree line.
Gaster: it seems your screaming attracted some Grimm. But now you have something to try your new powers on.
Jaune smiles.
Gaster: ok, your first attack is your bone attack. Just thrust your hand towards and feel the magic flowing through you.
Jaune does as he is told, and a group of bones re sent flying past him into some of the beowoulfs. One tries to jumps on Jaune  but he sidesteps.
Jaune: holy- how I am that fast!
Gaster: another ability. You can move at increased speeds. You can also teleport.
Jaune: I can what!
He  looks up at a tree. His eye glows blue, and one second he's on the ground, the next he's on the branch!
Jaune: this, is, AWSOME!
Gaster: your next and most powerful attack is your "Gaster blaster" just throw your hand up using your magic. And one will summon, it can fire very powerful beams, and can fly.
Jaune does as he is told, and a giant skull like begin comes into existence begins him. It charges up, and fires a devastating beam at the beowoulfs, decimating all but one.
Gaster: your next and final move is telekinesis. Yo-
Gaster is cut of by Jaune slamming a Beowulf into the ground using his new power.
Gaster smiles at jaunes happiness. But he glitches once again.
Jaune: Gaster are you alright!
Gaster: I'm afraid it is my time to go. But don't worry, we will meet again.
Gaster smiles again at Jaune and disappears.

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