Villain kirishima

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((PLOT: So kirishima is the villain, he looks exactly how he looks in the picture above, hes 5 years older than bakugo in this one and much taller. Bakugo is a highschool boy, he is 16 but his life changed when he meets kirishima

Yet again another villain attack had happened, posted all over the news as soon as it happened. Katsukis mother had been watching the news lately. Ever since this new villain appeared shes been worried for katsuki's life. It's kinda weird ya know? The attacks have been happening near schools and mostly where katsuki walks to and from school. She updates katsuki daily about the attacks so he is careful which, he always is.

Katsuki had just finished school, alot later than usual due to having to do some extra work so now it was pretty dark. He decided to put his earphones in and listen to some music while walking home siddering there hasnt been any trouble while hes walking.

He started to cross a road when he was bumped into. He looked up about to yell at the person only to be met with a pair of pure red eyes staring down at him, a firm arm wrapping around his waist, the other hand holding his arm to keep him from falling.

"Now, now, was u gonna yell at me when ur the one looking down at ur phone, not paying attention to who's infront of u, so who's fault is it really, kitten~?" He asked smirking and looking at the small blonde.

Katsuki's lip quiverd, he knew he had seen this Male somewhere but couldn't put his finger on it. Before he knew it, the red head that had hold of him had disappeared and bright head lights made there way, speeding towards him.

The younge Male's eyes shot open as he quickly shot up from the bed he layed in. A confused expression rested on his face as he looked around the unfamiliar room. 3 empty beds infornt of him and 2 empty beds next to him, the walls pure white and the lights very bright to the eyes, the curtains drawn open and the sum hitting the white laminate floor.

His parents sat next to him on the opposite side, closer to the wall. His father sat crossed arm on the chair asleep and his mother on her knees, asleep, holding his hand with tear stained cheeks. Katsuki stared at them blankly trying to remember what happened, than it hit him. Hit him just like that bus did, he remembered what happened to himself or so...what that man caused.

His parents eventually woke up. Once they sore him awake they panicked, they asked many questions to only a few he could give a straight answer to. He found out he had been knocked out for a whole week and a half. So much school he would've missed yet his parents never left his side. They would vist until very late before leaving, none of them sleeping and only being able to sleep with their baby boy katsuki.

Soon enough, they had to leave. Katsuki sat on his bed left lonely and thinking to himself. He layed down onto his side facing away from the window behind. He stared blankly at the night stand not knowing what to do. He eventually slowly closed his eyes and drifted of into a light slumber.

During the night, the window had opened, cold air blowing into katsuki's room whispering sweet words of emptiness. The air he felt against his neck made him turn to face the window almost knitting his eyebrows together.
Red eyes stared at the sleeping injured boy, not once looking away. Kneeling down to be face level with him, a smirk forming onto his lips.

"Ur so perfect, kitten" he dragged his two fingers under his bangs that covered his face slightly "ur all mine...I'll come for day" the figure kissed the blondes warm, soft, pale skin before leaving.

When katsuki woken up that day, he noticed the window open, he rubbed his head from the strangest of dreams he had ever had, that one was the strangest thou he did not know that it was real. The vists of the figure kept happening but the more he slept the more he could feel the more he believed it was a dream, that wasnt until the last time the figure had visited he was awake. He met the Male who was in his 'dreams'

The figure was the man who got him in here, he was also the new villain every one was talking about. Was he happy? Not at all, he tried blowing up his face but his wrist was caught by his hardened hand, the villain smirked and licked his palm causing the blonde to freeze up

"U taste like caramel kitten~" he teased only earning a growl for a response "now, now dont growl at me. Its rude to growl at ur master" he pulled him close and kissed him deeply, katsuki's eyes widned in shock as he tried pushing away but had no success, he was then lifted up from the bed being carried bridal style by the much more taller and muscler Male. Before the blonde could even protest, the other had already leaped out the window with him.

((Part 2?

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