My mafia boss

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((They look the same as the ones in the photo by the way, minus the tattoos. Kirishima is a mafia boss and bakugo is a CEO owner of a famous/popular company in Japan. Kirishima needs to be undercover and has been working with bakugo for over a year.

"We got the money boss" a female voice said through an earpiece. A smirk glided across the males face who received as he picked up the pace of his car to meet his group.
A slam on the breaks and a skid of the tires and he was where he needes to be.

The door opened as a tall handsome red head male stepped out the car with a plastic grocery bag and made his way over to the three that was waiting for him by the doors "I need you guys to go back to the base and keep that bomb safe. I've got a date" the male fixed his blazer proudly and headed inside while the other three just nodded and left.

The red head made it to the 70th floor and stud out of the elevator/lift making his way to the desk/reception which every floor had. He leaned onto it to look at the lady "here to see Mr Bakugo if you would be so kind as to let me through"

The lady looked up at the male pushing her glasses up with a blush "Mr kirishima, you know your supposed to make an appointment" she looked at her computer and started typing while talking "Mr Bakugo is in a meeting right now I'm afraid-" a finger touched her chin and lifted it to face a red head.

"Come on doll~ won't you let me in~? Its VERY Important" he started into her eyes, her blush only darkening and losing her words. A sigh escaped as she pressed a buzzer for the door to his office. Kirishima smiled in success and walked away to the office.
He twisted the nob and let himself in looking around the room before closing the door.

In the meantime, the meeting had ended and Mr Bakugo was heading back to his desk before he was called by his receptionist "M-Mr Bakugo, a Mr Kirishima is awaiting for you in your office s-sir" the blond looked at her confused as if to ask who that was. He slightly nodded and walked away a little quicker, turning the handle for his office and walking in, kirishima turned to face him, both males staring at one another for a few short seconds. Bakugo pushed his door shut and kept his eye on kirishima while walking over to his desk and sitting down. Kirishima doing the same.

"May I help you, Mr...kirishima was it?" He held his hands infront of him on his desk with a raised eyebrow. The red head nodded "how may I help you?"

"I was wondering if you would go on a date with me Mr Bakugo" he said planely like it was nothing. The blond moved back a little not knowing who this guy was that just asked him on a date.

"I'm sorry haha I think I heared you wrong, a date-? Mr Kirishima, I dont know who you are but-"

"I've been working here for over a year...surely you have seen me...right?" He leaned closer curiously.

A nervous cough escaped the blonds mouth as he sat back "um, I dont really know if you noticed but...many people work here Mr Kirishima, I dont focus on them, I have my own jobs to do aswell. Besides, I do not date my workers" he stud up with his hands on the desk "now, may I ask you very kindly to leave my office. Thank you for taking the time to come and ask me on I dont date my workers or anyone in fact" he moved away to walk over to his shelf. Kirishima standing up after him.

"Did I ask, I'm sorry, I meant you ARE going on a date with me" bakugo froze slightly and turned to look at the red head who stared with somewhat a positive glare. A laugh escaped the blonds lips.

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