My mafia boss (pt 2)

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((Part 2 requested by me and a few other ppl that commented before I started writing this :D lmao

Kirishima quickly sat back down in his seat, bakugo moving away from the wheel while he reloaded "I think now is the only time your gonna be able to tell me!" Bakugo panicked which was new to Kirishima. He sighed in response focusing on the driving for a few minutes while he spoke.

"The guys chasing us are bad guys and their after you, That's why I came for you, they want to kill you bakugo, they know everything about you"

"So this isn't because you just wanted to see me?"

"What- no! I did! I really wanted to see you but I've been busy with work-" bakugo took his gun getting frustrated "wait- bakugo!" He opened the sunroof and stud up and repeatedly shot at the car hitting one of their tires, sending them flying over a cliff and down the hill, kirishima watched in shock and watched bakugo sit back down dropping the gun back into his lap

"Your so dead after this" a thick swallow escaped the red head.


"So your telling me, YOU, dunce face, soy sauce and fucken raccoon eyes are in the mafia...TOGETHER!?" The blond yelled pacing back and forth at the four watched him

"Bakugo please, we work with police, they know about us"

"Thats not my problem here. The fact that I now have to let you guys protect me is my problem! I dont need four idiots trying to make sure I don't die! I can handle myself!"

"I know you can bakugo but they have more information about you than we thought!" Kirishima slightly raised his voice "just please...stay here until we fix this and we know its safe for you"

"What about my job? My house?"

"I'll get someone to check both your house and office if necessary, now please...bakugo I'm begging you here, I just wanna protect you..." he stared at the blond for awhile before he eventually sighed and nodded to kirishima earning a smile as a response. "Thank you! I promise you will be safe! I'll show you to your room!" He grabbed bakugos hand and before the blond could protest he was already being dragged to his room by a happy kirishima. The other three just chuckled at the excitement of kirishima being able to protect his loved one.

Both males entered a large room. Mainly in the colour red and black "this is my room but I-"

"Want me to stay in here?...with you?....same bed and shit?" The blond interrupted, kirishima quickly nodded in excitement as he watched the blond walk around his room looking at everything until one particular thing caught his eye ". . . Pictures of me and you from-"

"Collage!" The red head ran other and picked up one of the pictures "yes. I love seeing us back then, when we used to hang out all the time and be arnt like that anymore and it hurts" he placed the picture down "bakugo, I actually had something to tell you before we left but I was to scared to tell you" he took a deep breath and clentched his fists "I'm in l-"

"Love with me. Yea, I know" kirishima froze and looked at him speechless and confused, maybe even a little shocked "I'm not stupid, on valentines day you wrote a letter to me remember? Yes you didn't sign from you but I fould recognise your hand writing straight away"

". . . . . YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME AND DIDNT TELL ME?! DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT- MPH!" Kirishimas eyes suddenly lit up as the blonds lips were pressed up against his with his puffed up cheeks. Kirishima chuckled lightly into the kiss having tell that bakugo had never actually kissed someone before. He grabbed the males cheeks and kissed him back properly and passionately sending butterflies into the blonds stomach as he fell into a love trance.
A few moments later and the two parted with a string of sliva and some panting "A-Amazing" he grazed his thumb over the tranced blond who just stared at him with a light blush and half lidded eyes "even like still love me?"

"Y-Yes. Its not who you are...its how you make me feel when I'm around you"

"So you will let me protect you?" The blond frowned and kirishima laughed pulling the blond into his chest to cuddle him and pet his hair "I'm joking....thou imma do that anyway" bakugo groaned loudly earning a bit of laughter from the red head holding him.


Over the next few days, the two males had grown closer once again almost in a relationship way but there was only one thing standing in the way of bakugo and kirishima from making it official or even talking it out "Am I free to leave yet?" And that was bakugo. Bakugo just wanted to go home and continue his job before some asshole steals it and ruins the company or even better, his parents get involved. Kirishima honestly didn't want bakugo to go back, he wanted him to stay with him and be his lover, he didn't understand why bakugo wanted to go back anyway, afterall he never wanted to be in the family business to begin with.

"Not yet Suki, its still dangerous, I dont wanna lose you" the red head made his way over and sat down on the edge of the bed where the blond was sat criss cross against the headboard and caressed his cheek stroking the pale yet soft skin with his thumb "Why do you want to go back? Why not stay with me and be my partner? We confessed already and you still wanna leave? I'll lose you again katsuki. I just want you to be with me once more" he held his hands into his gently.

Bakugo avoided his look not saying anything for a few seconds "you have by the end of this week to change my mind, if you fail I will leave, if u succeed I'll stay" he moved his hands away and held out his most dominant hand "deal?" Kirishima beamed and slapped his hand together with his and shook it happily and excitedly nodding in approval

"YOU GOT IT SUKI!" He smiled his sharky smile already having plans to win his heart. He still remembered every detail of bakugos favourite things so he knew what to do.

((I will do a part 3, I just have more stories that I need to finish and post before I continue, besides, thinking of things is ducken hard man. Ppl have been putting me off with writing with my other story giving me hate for it, like, nothing I'm saying in that story is aimed for u irl so stop being so sentitive u snowflakes ffs, its a story, not real life god damnit. I've put a warning at the begging in huge fucken capital letters, if u chose to ignore it well thats ur own fucken fault so don't comment on it still giving it hate when u was fucken warned cause u will be blocked and deleted.
Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest :D thou it did not help lol

Kiribaku Short stories Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora