It seemed like a solid plan. "Alright, so how are you going to do the competition?"

She explained to me how it would work, and all I needed to do was to post on twitter. I could do that.

Hey guys! Pop your email address in the form DOWN BELOW for a chance of a tour in RecordX's studio in Manchester with ME! Good luck!!!!!!

"So Ana will definitely win?" I double checked, before pressing send. Eloise nodded her head. I kind of felt bad for the other fans that would think they stood a chance, but maybe in the future I would do actual competitions.

"Thanks for sorting it all out," I said, smiling gratefully over at Eloise.

"Not a problem! I'm guessing Harry is in the studio today?"

"Yeah," I said glumly, wishing he was back here with me, instead. We would barely get to spend time with each other in my Manchester apartment - he was out today and I would be out tomorrow and then the day after it was show day. "Should I be worried about this whole diss track thing? Harry said something about Ethan and JJ actually being mad at each other and - I try my hardest to stay out of his business, you know? But he seems really stressed and I feel useless not knowing what's going on." I admitted to the other girl, who was kind enough to listen to me.

"Hey, I'm sure everything will be alright. Vik said he's going to call Ethan today, and Simon said he was planning on face timing JJ. It'll all work out, they're all friends. Hopefully Harry's diss track will be funny and will alleviate some of the tension that's going on." She reassured me, flashing me a smile.

"Now, I would really love to stay but I've actually got to go and meet Kyle whilst I'm here. I will catch up with you soon, but if you need anything at all please just drop me a text, alright?" I nodded my head quickly, before showing her out. I was alone again.

I tried calling Harry's phone but it went to voicemail twice. He was busy. I knew he was busy, so I wasn't even sure why I had called. Instead, I called Talia. I needed someone to talk to, and Freya had told me yesterday that she was going out with Josh today. I didn't want to disrupt that.

She picked up after a couple of rings, and it was refreshing to hear her voice.

"Hey Sophie! How's tour going?" She asked, her bubbly voice relaxing me instantly.

"It's going alright - arrived in Manchester yesterday, spending today alone." I spoke miserably, perhaps also more bluntly than intended.

"What?! How come you're alone?" She asked, clearly in shock that Harry wasn't with me.

"Harry's off making a fucking diss track on JJ, he's in the studio."

"Oh shit, it's bad up your end too?"

"Wait - what do you mean? Shit, I feel completely out of the loop. What is going on?" I asked, completely astonished. Clearly something a lot bigger was going on that I was not being told about.

"Deji made a diss track on Simon - and now Simon and Vik are preparing to make one back. You didn't know?"

"No," I said dryly. "No one bothered to tell me."

"Oh -" She spoke, and I immediately felt bad for making it awkward.

"Sorry, Talia. Thank you for telling me. Can't wait to see you soon, alright?"

"Stay safe. We all miss you!"

After exchanging some quick replies, I sat down on my bed. I decided upon sending a few texts to Eloise.

Did you know about the Deji stuff?

This drama isn't going to stop after Harry is it?

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