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Izuku was now stood outside of Katsuki's dorm room. It was 5:59pm. He took a deep breath in and out. He couldn't lose his cool now, he was about to go into Katsuki's dorm room. They'd be alone again. The last time they were alone, they'd ended up with each other's tongues in their mouths.

Izuku hesitantly knocked on his door once the time turned to 6pm, and it almost instantly opened. Katsuki stood in the doorway.

"I didn't think you'd come." Katsuki stated, staring down at the shorter boy. He stepped aside, allowing Izuku to enter his room. Katsuki closed his door behind him and sat down on his bed. Izuku stood in the middle of the room, awkwardly watching him.

His room was really tidy, which wasn't much of a surprise to Izuku. He's a perfectionist, after all.

"C'mere." Katsuki patted a spot next to him on his bed, gesturing Izuku to come and sit next to him. "Don't be so nervous, I just wanna talk." He spoke in a gentle tone as to make Izuku feel more comfortable.

"I can't get anything past you, can I?" Izuku giggled, sitting down next to Katsuki.

There was silence for only a few seconds, but those awkward seconds felt like years.

Izuku decided to break the tension. "What did you want to talk about?" Izuku looked up at Katsuki.

"I was just wondering..." Katsuki stared at the floor as he spoke. "What are we, Deku?"

Izuku's cheeks grew slightly red. "I- um, I'm not sure." He stuttered, taken aback by the question. So Katsuki was thinking about it too? Izuku felt his heart flutter at the realisation that Katsuki had been thinking about him.

Katsuki smirked and met Izuku's gaze. "Well, what do you want us to be?" Katsuki asked.

"H-Huh? I- I don't-" Izuku couldn't form a sentence, so he quickly hid his face in his hands. What did he want them to be? 

"Cat got your tongue?" Katsuki teased, taking Izuku's hand in his and bringing it down into his lap, away from Izuku's face.

"W-well, what do you want us to be, huh?" Deku asked, averting Katsuki's question. 

"Me?" Katsuki had always treated Deku poorly, shouting at him for no purpose, calling him unpleasant names. He'd always thought Deku was cool, and admired his determination. But, as Katsuki grew older, so did his ego. He wanted to be the best, and eventually, developed the mindset that he was the best. As a result, he shut Deku out of his life, or at least, tired to.

He could've ignored him, and he would've been out of his life forever, but he was holding onto something that he couldn't let go of. He had feelings for Izuku. "I want to be with you, Deku. I always have..." Katsuki trailed off, looking to the ground. He looked... upset.

"Kacchan..." Izuku hated seeing Katsuki upset. It was so out of character for him. He was always so confident and proud. It was heart wrenching seeing him so insecure and vulnerable. He watched as a single tear fell, landing onto Izuku's hand, which Katsuki still held in his lap.

Izuku instinctively pulled Katsuki into his arms. The warmth of Izuku's body wrapped around Katsuki like a blanket, comforting him. Izuku couldn't sit back and watch the person he cared for the most break down in front of him. It made his heart ache.

"I want to be with you too." Izuku spoke up, Katsuki's eyes widening at them.

Those words washed away all of Katsuki's doubts. He'd been waiting to hear them for years, even if he didn't realise it. His bottom lip began to quiver as his eyes teared up. He wrapped his arms around Deku, embracing his warmth.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku squealed, being held tightly in Katsuki's embrace. He exhaled, relaxing in Katsuki's arms. Nothing had felt more right than this moment

Katsuki pulled away from the hug as Izuku wiped the stray tears from Katsuki's now red, puffy eyes with his thumb.

"Kacchan, does this mean that we're..?" Izuku trailed off feeling his face heating up.

Katsuki smiled. "Not officially, however..." He held Izuku's chin, tilting it up to face him. He looked into Izuku's bright, doe eyes, his own crimson ones filled with love.

Katsuki then took Izuku's hand in his and interlocked their fingers. "Will you be my boyfriend, Izuku?" He placed a gentle kiss on Izuku's hand as he watched Izuku's eyes widen.

"Y-Yes!" Deku started to tear up, smiling like an idiot. He'd never heard Katsuki address him with his first name before, not once.

He threw himself onto Katsuki, pulling him into another hug. Katsuki took Izuku's waist and pulled him onto his lap, locking his lips with Izuku's in a love-filled kiss. Izuku melted in Katsuki's embrace, throwing his arms around Katsuki's neck, tears escaping in his eyes. He was so incredibly happy. 

Once they pulled away, Izuku covered his face in embarrassment. He was as red as Kirishima's hair. Katsuki just chuckled. "Adorable."

Katsuki and Izuku stayed in Katsuki's dorm for the next few hours, cuddling, watching movies, and occasionally kissing; just enjoying each other's company. When it got to around 9pm, Izuku decided it was time to go back to his own dorm.

"It's getting pretty late, I should be heading back to my room now." Izuku spoke, slipping out from Katsuki's arms wrapped lovingly around him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kacchan." Deku smiled, standing up.

Katsuki stood up also, walking Izuku to the door. Before Izuku could leave, Katsuki grabbed his arm and turned him around, giving him a quick goodbye kiss on the lips.

"See you tomorrow, nerd." With that, Katsuki let go of Izuku's arm and watched his boyfriend leave, closing the door after he disappeared into the elevator.

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