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"Just 5 more minutes..."
"Damn it."

Izuku woke up to his alarm clock, rolling over in his bed and lazily turning it off, checking the time. '6:30am'

It was now Monday morning, the first weekday in the new dorms. Izuku dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. He swiftly head upstairs and made himself a bowl of cereal, finishing it quickly and then head back down to his dorm to brush his teeth and comb his hair, not that it made much of a difference. He lazily made his way to the classroom, where he was greeted by his friends as usual.

Katsuki sat at his desk, absentmindedly. He despised mornings. 'Why does school have to start so damn early?'

"Good morning, Midoriya."

"Hiya, Deku!"


"Hey guys!"

Katsuki turned his head slightly to find the greenette being approached by his friends. He found himself staring at his cheerful facial expression. So damn annoying. 'Deku... He's got that stupid grin all over his face; makes me wanna explode. So annoying... frustrating, even.'

"Everyone sit down." A drowsy voice suddenly silenced the classroom, urging everyone to take their seats. Aizawa Sensei entered, stepping out from his sleeping bag, which he seemed to take everywhere with him.

"I hope everyone is adjusting to the new dorms just fine. I know it's a big change, but it has it's benefits. However, that's not what we're here to discuss." He began.

Deku fidgeted in his seat. He couldn't help but wonder about the blonde's condition. 'Kacchan looks really tired, I hope he's okay. He's not usually the type to not get enough sleep, he loves sleeping, he has ever since we were younger. He has serious bed hair, too. He must have gotten up late. So unlike him...'

Izuku and Katsuki have known each other for as long as they remember, therefore, know almost everything about each other. Seeing somebody tired is a relatively normal occurrence, but seeing Katsuki in such a state is unheard of. It's known that he takes care of himself well.

"You'll be doing partner work. These partners weren't chosen based on quirks, nor skill, but were picked based on the relationship between you and your partner. To be a hero, you'll need to adjust to working with anyone."

Izuku shifted slightly. This was almost too obvious.

"The partners are as follows:
Mineta and Yaoyorozu
Kirishima and Hagakure
Midoriya and Katsuki..."

"No surprise there, I guess. Kacchan and mine's relationship is seriously complicated, so it would make sense for Sensei to partner us together. It seems to be a recurring theme, anyway."

"Shut the fuck up, Deku!" The fiery blonde suddenly yelled, breaking Izuku from, what he thought were his thoughts.

'Crap, why do I always have to think out loud?'

Katsuki turned back around, slouching in his seat. 'So I'm with the nerd, huh? That's just fucking great. I'll get this over and done with as quick as possible on my own. I don't need a damn partner to get the job done.' Katsuki declared to himself, his pride swelling in his chest.

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