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Uraraka entered the common room, finding Izuku reading a book peacefully, seemingly minding his own business. "Hey, Deku?" Uraraka began, causing Izuku to lift his head from the pages. "I want to talk to you, come with me"

Ochako grabbed Izuku's arm and dragged him over to the kitchen in the corner of the room, where it was a bit more private. 

"E-eh? What's this about Uraraka?" Izuku asked, flustered from being suddenly dragged away from what he was doing.

"I wanna know something. You've been acting strange lately." Uraraka claimed, simply. It was true, Izuku had been acting weird. He'd show up to class with dark eyebags and kept forgetting his equipment. Hell, he forgot his whole school bag a few days ago. It was only natural for Uraraka to be concerned.

"How so?" Izuku questioned, quirking a brow.

"Ever since we played spin the bottle, you've been acting all weird. You're on edge and you're clearly not getting enough sleep. What's going on Deku? Talk to me, I'm getting worried." She softened her gaze upon the boy.

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. Should he tell her what's bothering him? It's a strange situation, she wouldn't think differently of Izuku, right? Maybe she can help, give him some advice.

Izuku sighed in defeat, speaking up. "Alright. You see, that night when both Kirishima and Kacchan gave me love bites, Kacchan's felt different to Kirishima's." He explained, slowly, trying to find the right words to use.

"In what way?" Uraraka tilted her head curiously, although, she had an idea of what Izuku meant.

"When Kirishima did it, it hurt. It felt like my neck was going to be chewed open. But, when Kacchan did it, it didn't feel like that. It didn't hurt as bad, even though he was biting harder. I know it sounds weird, but I guess it's just been bugging me." He stroked his arm, averting his gaze to the floor beneath him. He wasn't going to mention the fact that Katsuki had made Izuku feel good, that'd be too embarrassing.

"Did you like it when Kacchan did it?" Uraraka suddenly asked, taking Izuku a little off guard.

Maybe he should just be honest. Uraraka is his best friend after all, she won't think any differently of him if he tells the truth, right?

"I don't know..." Izuku shifted, shyly. He'd never admitted his feelings to anybody before, hell, he hadn't even come to terms with them himself. "Maybe a little." He finally confessed.

"Holy shit!" Uraraka screamed.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Izuku shushed, startled from her sudden raised voice. He turned around to make sure no one was looking over at them, luckily no one was.

"You like-" Before she could finish her sentence, Izuku covered her mouth with his hand, panic washing over his features.

"Shush, Uraraka! Everyone will hear you!" Deku whisper-shouted.

"Whoops, sorry." She smiled apologetically as Izuku removed his hand from the girl's mouth. Despite that, Uraraka still wasn't done with her interrogation. "I have a question. How do you feel when you think about Bakugou?" She asked, forcing back a smirk.

Izuku thought for a moment. How did he feel when he thought of Katsuki? He thought about a few days ago, when he and Katsuki had argued over the partner work. His face instantly turned to a scowl. "He frustrates me, like really gets under my skin. I can't stand him sometimes." He continued thinking about the blonde, trying his best to find the correct words to use.

He then remembered that night. The night that Katsuki had made him feel so good with such intimate contact. The night that Katsuki caused Izuku's stomach to infest with butterflies. "But, sometimes, he makes me feel different." He bit the inside of his cheek. He couldn't believe that he was about to admit this. "Sometimes, he makes me feel warm. He causes butterflies to rise in my stomach, and makes me so nervous that I can barley meet his gaze without turning completely red." Izuku was spilling his thoughts. He'd almost forgotten that the brunette was here, listening.

He looked back up from the floor to meet Uraraka's gaze. When he did, he saw her smiling almost blindingly wide. "There's no doubt about it, you have feelings for Bakugou," She explained, watching Izuku freeze. "Romantically." She finished. Izuku's eyes grew wide. He'd suspected it, yes, but for it to be said out loud was almost humiliating.

"Listen to me, Deku. I'm going to think of a way to get you and Bakugou together." Uraraka suddenly claimed, a confident smile plastered across her lips. And this, this terrified Izuku.

"What? No, Kacchan doesn't-" Izuku was quickly cut off.

"You'll never know until you try! Just trust me Deku, okay?" She pleaded, grabbing hold of Izuku's hand. She was so excited that her best friend had a crush, there was no way in hell she was going to just sit back and allow nothing to progress between the two. No, she was going to get them together.

Izuku sighed. Saying no to Uraraka was close to impossible, besides, it wasn't like Izuku was planning on making any moves any time soon, anyway, so maybe this was a good thing. "Okay, fine. Only because I trust that you won't do anything stupid. I'm gonna head back to my dorm now, see you." He agreed, turning to leave for his dorm, waving Uraraka goodbye as he disappeared.

When he entered the elevator, he instantly slid down the wall and onto the ground. "Who am I kidding, of course she's going to do something stupid."

Izuku decided to run a bath, hoping it'd calm him down, which it did a little. He then brushed his teeth and got his school supplies ready for the next day, double checking that he hadn't forgotten anything this time. Once he was sure, he got into bed.

"Hey Uraraka, what were you and Midoriya just talking about?" Kirishima suddenly walked in, making the girl jump a little. 

"Oh, Kirishima. I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to tell anyone, it's a secret." She winked mischievously, proud that she was the only person who knew of Izuku's secret.

Kirishima shrugged the matter off, since he had a matter of his own which he needed to address. "Listen, We've got a bit of a situation. You're close friends with Midoriya, so I thought it'd be smart to come to you. You see, I was just talking with Bakugou when he told me that he thinks he has feelings for Midoriya." He calmly explained, internally praying that Bakugou would never find out that Kirishima had just so easily blurted his secret.

"WHAT?" She almost spat out her water, placing the cup back down on the counter, eyes wide in shock.

"Shh! Everyone will hear!" Kirishima whisper-shouted in a panic. He couldn't risk anybody else finding out about Katsuki's secret, his life quite literally depended on it.

"Right, sorry. It's just..." She trailed off, unsure if she should tell Kirishima about Izuku's feeling for the blonde. That was, until she'd realised, she'd have a partner in crime. They could work together to get the two together. "Deku just told me that he thinks that he likes Bakugou." She explained, watching as Kirishima's face instantly lit up.

"What should we do?" Uraraka asked.

"Well, we need to get them together somehow, got any ideas?" Kirishima asked.

Uraraka looked deep in thought, when a smirk appeared on her lips. "I think I may have one. Have you ever heard of 7 minutes in heaven?"

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, that's when two people at a time are picked to go in a small space on their own for 7 minutes, they can do whatever they want but can't tell anyone what happened in there." Kirishima explained.

"Exactly! We should get the class to play tomorrow and rig it to get Deku and Bakugou to go!" She proposed, practically bursting with excitement.

"That's genius! We'll have to do a few rounds of other people first though so that they don't get suspicious." Kirishima suggested.

"Right! Mission BakuDeku is a go!" Uraraka exclaimed, punching a fist up into the air.

She went to her dorm room that night, full of exhilaration. She couldn't wait to put her and Kirishima's plan into action.

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