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It was now the next day. Izuku walked into class and sat down like every other day. Class went by quick, and before Izuku knew it, class was dismissed. Everyone stayed behind a while, chatting, until everyone started to leave the room one by one. Izuku remembered that Aizawa Sensei had set an essay to write, so, he said goodbye to his classmates and headed out of class to get started.

He was walking through the hallway, looking at the ground, lost in thought as usual, when he was flipped and pushed into the lockers. Izuku winced, looking up to face Katsuki. He stood there, face to face with Izuku, both his hands pinning him against the lockers by his arms. Izuku blushed at the intimate position that the two were in.

"Deku." Katsuki began. "We need to talk."

Izuku's brows furrowed. "And you couldn't ask like a normal person?"

Katsuki scoffed, smirking at Izuku's confidence, despite the vulnerable position he was in. His face then dropped, a surprisingly awkward expression taking over his features.

"About the kiss..." Katsuki looked into Izuku's eyes, not sure what else to say. He was never good with words, but luckily, Izuku got the message. He knew this conversation was going to come.

"Right, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you mad." Izuku braced himself for impact. "Do what you want, it's okay, I can take it." He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for Katsuki to hit him. But it never came.

"You idiot, I'm not here to beat you up, jeez." Katsuki rolled his eyes at Izuku's ignorance. Is that really what he expected of him?

Izuku opened one eye, and the other slowly after. He thought for sure that Katsuki was furious. Why else would he have him pinned against the lockers?

"But Kacchan, aren't you angry?" Izuku asked, a slight frown finding it's way to Izuku's lips.

Katsuki wanted so badly to kiss that frown away. "No, you damn nerd. I initiated the stupid kiss, didn't I?"

Izuku blinked, thinking back to the closet. Katsuki was in fact the one who kissed Izuku, but...

"Why?" Izuku questioned, voice quiet.

"Why? Because I wanted to. Is that a problem?" Katsuki spoke in a gentle voice, despite his choice of words.

"No, not at all. You see, It's not like I minded that you kissed me, I was just confused because you've never done something like that before, and it really caught me off guard, and I thought that you-"

Katsuki cut Izuku off mid-sentence pushing his lips onto Izuku's soft, pink ones. It was only short, but enough to shut Izuku up.

"You talk too much, nerd."

Izuku smiled like a dork, which made Katsuki blush. He put a hand over Izuku's eyes prevent him from seeing his now bright, pink cheeks.

"Hey, Kacchan!" Izuku giggled, struggling to move the blonde's hands from his face.

When Izuku pushed his hands away, he grabbed Katsuki by the shirt and pulled him into another kiss. Katsuki was caught a little off guard, since this was the first time that Izuku had initiated the kiss. He rested one hand in Izuku's hair, and the other on his waist, while Izuku wrapped his free arm around Katsuki's neck.

The kiss quickly progressed from a sweet peck to a heated make out, tongues swirling around each other desperately. Katsuki pulled away so that they could both catch back their breath. They both realised that they were still standing in the school hallway. Anybody could have walked past and saw the two. In fact, they probably had, Katsuki and Izuku were just too captivated by each other to notice.

"Sorry." Izuku blurted.

Katsuki smirked. "Shut up, stop saying that." He ruffled Izuku's hair as he walked away, probably back to his dorm. As soon as he was out of sight Izuku sighed, and slid down the locker he was leaning against, to the floor.

He and Katsuki had just kissed again. If his mind wasn't running laps trying to figure out what was going on between he and Katsuki before, it surely was now.

He closed his eyes and smiled contently at the thought of Katsuki liking him back. He wondered what kind of person Katsuki would be in a relationship. He pondered the thought for a moment, before remembering what he had been going to do before being interrupted by the blonde. He pulled himself up from the floor and carried on to his dorm room to finally start working on his essay.

Katsuki was sat on at the desk in his room, mind running wild. He kept replaying the kiss over and over in his mind, eventually causing a raging boner to appear. How typical.

He grabbed his notebook and opened it up on his desk. He opened up 'word' on his computer, and began typing up his essay with his free hand, while the other was busy slipping into Katsuki's pants.

He felt his hard cock twitch when his cold hands came into contact, pulling it free from it's restraints. He began stroking slowly, breathing heavily from the pleasure he was receiving. He had to stop writing his essay, since he just couldn't focus. It was difficult to concentrate with the previous events with Izuku playing on loop in his head.

He remembered how lewd Izuku's face was after pulling away from the kiss; his eyes half-lidded and lips parted, panting desperately for air. If that was Izuku's face after kissing, he could only imagine his face with Katsuki's cock filling his insides, bringing him immense pleasure. Katsuki felt his stomach start to heat, knowing he was close to his climax.

He sped up his strokes, imagining his hand was Izuku's tight throat. He reached his climax at the very thought, spilling cum onto his hand.

He groaned, riding out his high. Once he was done, he grabbed a tissue and cleaned his mess from his hands.

"Fucking Deku, look what you made me do." He sighed, throwing his head back onto his chair.

However, little did Katsuki know that Izuku was currently dealing with the exact same problem as him. Soon enough, both Izuku and Katsuki finished their essays and went to bed.

It was the next day. Izuku got himself dressed for school, making sure that he had his essay with him as he left his dorm. He saw Uraraka on his way out of the dorm building and walked with her to class.

The first few periods were the same as usual, Izuku handed in my essay as well as everyone else. Sitting behind Katsuki was admittedly somewhat of a distraction for Izuku, but he still managed focused on his school work. Last period came around and Aizawa Sensei announced something new.

"For the next few weeks, you'll spend every last period in the school gym to work on your physical strength. You can get changed into your gym clothes in the locker rooms." He explained, nonchalantly.

Mineta was practically drooling. "No way, girls working out together in tiny gym shorts doing squats-"

WHACK. Aizawa Sensei hit him on the head.

"Boys and girls will be separated in different rooms, so don't get any funny ideas. I'm looking at you Mineta." He announced intimidatingly, his eyes glowing red.

On the way to the locker rooms, Mineta was whining about how boys and girls were separated, meanwhile, Iida was lecturing them all about how 'dangerous' gym equipment is, and how they should all proceed with caution, and Kirishima and Kaminari were talking about how manly this was going to be.

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