Capitulo 13

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Lennox POV

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Lennox POV

I frantically woke up panicked in a cold-sweat, once again. It felt as if the room was spinning as I struggled to catch my breath. The ball in my throat only seemed to grown in size the more I tried to calm myself. I could feel hot tears rolling down my face as Beckham cradled my shaking body in his arms.

"I know. I know, you're okay. You're safe." He whispered in my ear soothingly, rocking us back and forth.

I buried my head in his chest as sobs raked through my body. This has become our nightly routine of sorts. It's been two weeks since everything went down. The first week was fucking hell, I couldn't leave the house.

Ms. April still keeps Jayce-Lynn at night, mostly due to my night terrors. I still have her during the day though. Which works out fine because Beckham is at work most of those hours. I don't really do much because my face has been plastered all over the news, along with that horrid video. There haven't been any protest or anything, but the case is being heavily discussed in the media.

Billionaire's Black Girlfriend Falls Victim to Police Brutality.

The press are having a fucking field day. My name has been a trending topic on Twitter for like five days straight. I've had crazy 'blue lives matter' people making threats against my life, I had to pull Jayce out of school. It's been fucking chaos. The icing on the cake seems to be a series of reoccurring nightmares about... I'd rather not say what they're about.

"You're not going back to sleep are you?" Beckham glanced down at me with a knowing look in his eyes as I shook my head in confirmation.

He yawned obviously exhausted. I'm sure he's exhausted, he's been an angel these past couple of days which is very much so unlike him. However, I think he could use a bit of a break and honestly so could I. I'm just so damn tired of being treated like a victim all the time.

"It's fine though. You go back to sleep, I'm just gonna to Dick's." It's a local burger spot in Seattle, it's kind of a big deal here and they're open till 2 am. "I should be back in like 45 minutes, you want anything?"

"Uh.. 2 cheeseburgers have them make it a double, a large fry and a chocolate." He reaches for his wallet from the night-stand drawer pulling out a $20 handing it to me.

I smiled softly, "I'll be back soon. But if I'm not back in 90 minutes at the latest feel free to call a search party."

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"I'm sure.. I kind of want to be alone for a little bit." Beckham looked at me with sympathetic eyes before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Be back in an hour."

"I'll call you when I'm on my way." I compromised climbing out of his king sized bed.

I was unwittingly forced to move in with him. It's temporary, but while I was still in the hospital in LA he asked Gia to arrange for Caleb to drop off some of my clothes at his penthouse. Beckham claimed that I was unfit to care for myself in my current condition which is fucking rich considering I'm learning how to be a doctor. However, prescription analgesics are no joke. They make me a little loopy and drowsy, but I stopped taking them a week ago. For some reason I'm still being held captive here. I know the reason, my face is still plastered everywhere... Nationally.

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