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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I was staying with him in the same roof while he lends me a well-equipped guest room. 

But I needed something to my taste so that it can brighten up my room.

As per him, I've to live a dorm life so that he can keep a close watch on my diet, training and all the aspects for being a promising model of Begin.

I grabbed my bag before leaving the bedroom. 

Shortly, I found his figure elegantly sat on the couch typing something business on the laptop.

I didn't want to disturb him so my steps nearly skip from the living room when Jungkook's words caught me in the middle.

"Stacy, you're going somewhere?" He asked softly with his eyes intently waiting for my reply.

"S. Shopping."

I stupidly hesitated, making him instantly stood up.

"Why? Didn't I get you everything you need?"

Jungkook's question almost made me nervous and I looked away.

"I. I just need to get something."

How can I say to him? 

"Wait, I'll come with you." He smiled, patting my head making me stunned.

"W. What?"

"I want to see what and how you're going to shop as a model." 

"B. But..."

"It's work. And can't I, your lover join you for shopping together?"

• • •


© Annalious

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