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The dress is blue like your eyes, and the candy is sweet just like your dear little self.

I was hesitating in front of the camera as we began the shoot for the women's brand Begin. 

I attempted to pose but something went wrong.

"Stacy. Why are you so nervous? Loosen up." 

The cameraman watched me in a restless position.

"Um...  your shoulders are still stiff, Stacy."

I don't want to ruin this shoot but my heart kept on going- pitter-patter...

"Hey, are you alright?"

Jungkook instantly stared at me looking for an answer while his hands smoothly glide on my shoulders, down my arms calming me up.

"Y. Yes."

"Good. Now, you just have to focus on how to pull this look out..." He explains softly with a sweet smile almost melting me in his voice.

CEO Jeon Jungkook is better-known for his women's brand Begin. 

His label is highlighted by a tendency to mix different hues and patterns, and for some uniquely androgynous-looking women's clothes.

And I was just an amateur model who is been falling for his actions.


We must find the essence of being in love.

We must find the essence of being in love

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I hope this story will turn out good.

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