Chapter 12

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Legolas hurries out of Azog's underpass with Tauriel in his arms. "Legolas... Please don't do this." Tauriel whispers, barley able to bear the pain. Legolas hated seeing her like this- helpless and on the verge of tears. He wished he could steal her pain away and inflict it on himself. It killed him to see her in this state.

He could feel his eyes burn. Did he really just sign over his kingdom and father's life? He just sent his people to die at the hands of the orc kin for someone he wasn't to be betrothed to. He felt no regret. He just saved the life of the one he cared for most.

"I have to." Was all he could say. He continued north back to Mirkwood, for it was the last time he would be able to see his father.


"Open the gates. Prince Legolas has returned." A guard demands to another. They swing them open, rushing to his side. "Get a healer." Legolas orders, handing Tauriel to three women who immediately rush to the castle with her in their arms. "My prince, are you well?" Questions Drendill. "I am. Tell my father I need to talk to him. Now."

Legolas makes his way to the opening of the castle desperately trying to push Tauriel out of his mind. "Legolas!" He turns his head to see Velayah sprinting towards him with a smile stretched across her face and tears filling her eyes.. She jumps in his arms, shaking uncontrollably. "I-I thought I would never see you again..." She whispers, still holding him. "I'm fine. I must see my father now." He pushes her off, then continues walking through the hall refusing to look back at the woman he just crushed emotionally.

Legolas POV

I swing the doors open, revealing my father sitting atop his throne. When he lays his eyes on me, he immediately gets to his feet. "My son." He mutters, running to me and throwing me in his arms. "I thought I had lost you." He says before pulling back and smiling. "Father. I-"

"Has Tauriel made it back safely?" He questions, turning around. ".. Yes." I answer, my eyes darting to my feet. "Father. I have to inform you of something." I mutter. He turns around with a curious expression. Did he actually care of my state while I was gone?

What did I do.

"N-nothing." I quickly answer. "Are you sure? You seemed intrigued." I nod my head in refusal to tell him what I had done. He presses his fingers to his temple, turning around. "You may take you're leave then."

I turn around, vanishing from the throne room, then decide to visit Tauriel. I turn a corner, opening a door and stepping in. I see Tauriel in the bed, a rag on her forehead and her eyes closed. I tiptoe to her bedside, taking a seat next to her. "She was poisoned." I turn my attention to one of the healers. "With what?" I ask, looking back at the sleeping Tauriel.

"An ancient blade cursed with a deadly spell." She dips the rag in the water, placing it back on her forehead. "Will she be okay?" I worriedly ask. "She will be well soon, but weak." She mixes some herbs in a glass, pouring hot water into it. "I would hate to ask of you for a favor, but do you think you could encourage her to drink this? She refused to when I requested. A tough spirit, much like you, my prince." I gingerly smile, staring back at Tauriel.

"Gladly. Thank you- I appreciate your help." She smiles, nodding. "Of course." She scurries out of the room, leaving me to take care of my sleeping princess.

Hey amazing people! I'm really sorry about not being able to update, there was a huge family issue going on and stuff. I hope you liked the chapter! I'm sorry for the short length. Thank you so much for the support! I love you all, and please vote or comment! They are greatly appreciated!! 💜😸

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