Chapter 1

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Tauriel traces her fingers around the core of the tree. Her hand comes across a thick branch covered in autumn colored leaves, which greatly resemble her auburn hair. She pulls herself up, launching herself into the highest peak in the tree.

She scampers along the last branch, raising her high above the tree line. A bright orange, yellow, and red blanket cover the surface of all the other nearby trees. She stars glances at the multiple colors with amazement as she sits atop the tallest perch. She tworls around in disbelief and wonder, eyeing all the different colors of leaves. The sun sets far away, causing a beautiful swirl of pink and orange.

After staring at the beautiful colors in admiration, something quite far away catches her attention- The lonely mountain.

So distant, Tauriel thought, gazing curiously at the far away location.


A familiar voice down below the tree line causes her to avert her stare. A large smile creeps on the corners of her lips, then she ducks under the colorful blanket of leaves.


She has to be here. Legolas thought as he scanned the surrounding area for any sudden movements. He looks up, eyeing all the branches and high-up hiding spots. "Tauriel?"
He repeats, but this time with more purpose.
Legolas smiles and crosses his arms, staring up at the elleth perked upon the lowest branch of the tallest tree.
"Hiding from me now, are you?" Legolas says with a sarcastic smile.

Tauriel leaps from the branch onto the grassy surface, landing perfectly on her feet.
"You missed it, the sunset." Tauriel kindly smiles, picking up her bow and resting it upon her shoulders.

Legolas couldn't help but admire the way she looked in the sunlight with slight breeze blowing her hair. The curious grin across her face drived him mad. She knew he had brought her a gift- it was her birthday after all.mLegolas smiles at the she-elf and gestures to walk alongside him.


The sound of the water crashing against the rocks made Tauriel leap with joy. She's always enjoyed climbing to the top of the falls with Legolas since she was a child.
"The stars are beautiful tonight." Legolas announces, gazing up at the twinkling lights above him. After a few minutes of staring thoughtfully at the bright stars, he turns his gaze to Tauriel. "I have something for you." He says, pulling a small box from behind him.

"Legolas, you didn't have to get me anything. Birthdays don't mean much to me." Tauriel responds, brushing her auburn hair out of her face and giving him a kind smile.

"I wanted to." He hands the silver box to Tauriel, who stares in astonishment, tracing her fingers across the patterns carved into the side.
She lifts the box open, widening her eyes at the item resting inside. She picks up a silver chain with a diamond star pendant. She flips it over, revealing the words carved into it.
You shine brighter than the stars.
She holds the necklace in her hand, staring at Legolas in disbelief.

He bites his lower lip, nervous for her liking towards the gift. "Do you like it?" Legolas curiously asks, awaiting her response.
"I- I love it!" She launches herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Thank you." She whispers, then pulls back and hands the necklace to Legolas.
She turns around, brushing her hair to the side as he clasps it around her neck. She turns to face Legolas, looking down at the sparkling diamond.

"It's beautiful. Thank you, mellon." She brightly smiles at him, fingering the pendant.

"Tauriel... I-" he starts, only to be cut off by Drendill- Legolas's closest friend and servant interrupting them.

"Legolas. Your father has called for you." Drendill declares, standing in front of Tauriel and Legolas.

Tauriel steps back, slinging her bow and quiver over her shoulder. "I must go as well." She announces. She smiles politely, then makes her way down the falls, leaving Legolas and Drendill to their discussion.

Brighter Than The Stars [Tauriel/Legolas]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat