Chapter 9

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The guards rip open the cell, ruthlessly throwing Tauriel inside of it and locking it behind her. She had no hopes of escaping, for this was an elvish cell. No creature could get out. She wasn't planing on escaping, either. She knew arguing with the king would get her killed and that was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

She leans against the cell wall, placing her hand on the small pendant from Legolas. Why did he care so much? He had nothing to do with this...

"Tauriel..." A familiar voice says on the other side of the cell.

"Legolas? What are you doing here? I thought your father told you to stay in your quarters?" I get to my feet and stare at him, regretting how rude I was earlier. "Since when do I listen to my father?"

That was the first time I've seen Legolas smile in a long time... Ever since he found out he had to be bethroved. "I'm sorry, Tauriel. I should have done something... And now you are to die because I was too afraid to defend you." He looks down at his feet with an expression of guilt. "Legolas, there was nothing you could have done. It isn't your fault, but mine for not taking no for an answer. Since this is the last time you will likely see me again..." I unclip the small star and put it in my hand, holding it out. "Maybe you could give it to Princess Velayah... For good luck."

He wraps my fingers around my hand, closing it around the item resting inside. "It was given to you for a reason, Tauriel. It is meant for you and no other."

"Legolas... I-"

"Prince Legolas? What are you doing down here? Aren't you to be prepping for tomorrow's wedding?" One of the guards asks.

The wedding is tomorrow... I guess I am grateful I won't be alive to see it.

"Oh, of course... Just give me a minute." Legolas turns to me, smiling with sadness.

"I have to go. This will not be the last time I see you, I promise. I will not let you die for defending innocent people." He let's go of my hand, leaving me alone in my cell.

There's nothing even Legolas can do to save me. It's too late.

The next day

Legolas POV

I open my eyes to a blank ceiling. It's my wedding day... And the day Tauriel is supposed to die for being the brave woman she is... Both of those topics made me drowsy. I sit up in my bed, looking down at my shirtless chest. I slip on a silk shirt and look at the chair beside my bed to see my wedding clothing. I rub my eyes, then pick up the pieces of clothing and quickly change into them. I put my hair in the regular braids, then exit my room.

"Prince Legolas. You look like a king." Drendill compliments. "Thank you..." I quietly say as I stare down at my feet. "Is anything the matter, sir?"

Yes. I have to live my days without the love of my life beside me.

"No, just a bit nervous is all." I force a smile, then walk down the glass stairs leading me to my fathers quarters.

"Are you ready, my son?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say, sighing. "Come. We only have a few hours until your ceremony." I follow my father into the throne room where wedding decorations hang from the ceiling. "You are to wait here until it starts. Princess Velayah will walk down the isle and you are to accept her hand in marriage. Is that clear?"

"Yes, father." There was no point in arguing back. It's now too late to stop this.

"Good, now after this, I don't want to hear anything about that wretch who will be executed today." He trails out of the room, careless of my thoughts.

The problem is, I love her too much to forget her. Even after she is gone...


Narrator POV

The bells of Mirkwood sound, signaling the starting of the ceremony. Princess Velayah walks to the throne room in a beautiful blue gown and sparkling amethyst jewelry.

"Are you ready, my princess?" A servant asks, handing her flowers and opening the throne room door for her. "Of course I am."

She struts down the isle, eyes on Legolas the entire time. Whispers of how beautiful she looks fill the room, but Legolas did not think so. He thought she looked terrible.

"We are here today to celebrate the joining of two souls bound in matrimony. For when they put on these rings, they are to be together for eternity through all seasons of the year. With this ring, Velayah, do you solemnly sware to devote your life to Legolas and Legolas only?"

"Forever I do."

She picks up his golden ring, placing it on his finger.

"Do you, Legolas, solemnly sware to never leave Velayah's side, through any problems you two may face. Through life in death?"

Legolas stares down at the golden ring encrusted with diamonds and sapphires. He slowly picks up the ring, unable to stop shaking. He holds her had in his, the ring a few inches from her finger.

This is the moment. The moment we must be bound in matrimony... Even though my heart says no, I must keep the promise I made to my father.

He slips it on her finger, but now all he has to do is promise.

"... Forever I-"

Just then, an arrow flys through the room and shoots the man marrying Legolas and Velayah. He princess screams, running off the platform and into the crowd.

A mob of orcs run into the throne room, killing every elf in their path.

Orcs. Legolas thought, jumping off the platform and ripping a bow and quiver off a dead guards body. In one swift motion, he draws his bow, shooting it into the crowd of orcs. He fires more arrows, but they weren't doing much. There were far too many.

He drops the bow and quiver, then pulls out two daggers from his boots. He runs into the mob, swiftly stabbing every filthy orc he encounters. To his side, his father fights too, along with half of the guard.

Just then, a pale Orc riding a warg enters the room.

"... Azog." Thranduil whispers, staring in disbelief. Suddenly, the warg runs at Legolas, knocking him down.
"The auburn hair she-elf. Where is she?" He hisses.

Tauriel? What does he want with her? Legolas thought.

"I will never tell you."

"Then die."

"The dungeon. She's in the dungeon. Just don't harm my son." Thranduil squeaks. Legolas shoots daggers in his direction, for he knew Tauriel was going to die if he didn't get to her first.


Tauriel kicks the bars, trying to free herself. She knew the orcs were here, and she had to help. They were here for her after all.

"Dammit." She curses, pushing against the sturdy cell.

"Why would your prince lock you away? Perhaps he doesn't care for you as much as you thought he did?" She hears Azog's sarcastic voice comment.

"Do not speak of events you know nothing of." She hisses.

"Leave these people alone. Just take me and leave." Tauriel pleads.

"I'm taking you, but I never said anything about leaving the others unharmed." He devilishly smiles, ripping the cell off its hinges.

How did he do that? No creature can do that... He lifts Tauriel from the ground, holding her by the neck and riding the warg out of the dungeon.

Instead of dying at the hands of her kin, she was to die at the hands of her enemy.

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