I Remember You (Blitz)

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"What do you think will happen when we die?" The trees' branches swayed in the path of the wind, the leaves almost imitating each other to make a wave. Elias (Blitz) had taken a pregnant pause before answering.

"I'm not sure..."

"C'mon! You have to have some type of thought!" Another long breath.

"Well, it's complicated—but— if I had to choose to believe something, we will be reunited with our loved ones, I have no idea where, but some day..."

"Do you think you'll see me? Up in your afterlife? If there even is one..." The wind once again whistled through the leaves above you, the grass blades tickling your bare feet as you lied next to Elias.

"Of course, you are my loved one..."

"Yes," you caught a fluttering leaf near your face, "but will you remember me?" He shuffled towards you, humming as he did so.

"You are my loved one, what makes you think I won't?" He turned to you, but you didn't look back.

"We never know what will happen, we just choose to believe whatever," you tore the brittle leaf, rubbing against the pads of your fingers.

"And your point is?" He caught the leaf's remains, crumbling the in his hands. He tried to take hold of your wrist, only for you move your arm on your stomach.

"I don't know..."

Elias turned to face you, leaning his head on his arm, his other hand clenching the grass, tearing the blades and blowing them your way.

"I will remember you," he tenderly bopped The tip of your nose, "promise." He held out his pinky, but you sighed dejectedly, distracted by the thoughts concealed in the back of our head.

"Are you sure?" It was difficult to get these words off of your tongue, "because.." Elias interrupted you, leaning over you and brushing his lips on yours.

"Why wouldn't I?" Your heart fluttered at his answer, blushing madly, hoping your hair could shield of what made your cheeks hot and red.

"I j-just," you pouted, denying Elias's attempt to hold you with restlessness, "erm, I—sometimes, I have bad thoughts...a-bout myself, and it makes me feel bad, you know? Like, insecurities, and I just didn't want you to know that, because it would be a burden for you." You were nervous, the tension creating a bitter sound to your ears, "never mind it's a stupid thing to ask."

      Elias's eyebrows deepened with concern, and those tears that you desperately wanted to hide burned at your eyes.

"It's not even related to afterlife stuff...I don't know what I'm talking about anymore," you laughed the tears off, wiping them with a sleeve, holding the quivering grin steady.

      Elias tugged on the hem of your shirt, cuffing his in his hand to wipe your face gently. You chuckled again, waving your hand towards your face to stop yourself from crying.

"You can cry," he smiled, "don't try to hide it, it always makes it worse for me." You laughed, hiccuping and letting the tears go. You hid your face on his shoulder.

"(Y/N), if your thoughts ever bother you," you could imagine the grin on his face, "just know that I love you, and I will always say that—I love you, and about the afterlife thing—I will remember you. I promise that, you are just too kind, beautiful, and everything that I probably don't deserve. It's sounds so corny—but you are just too cute!" You lifted yourself to face him, sniffling. He bopped your nose again, holding his pinky out.

"Promise that you will always know that you are much too cute," he chuckled.

You wrapped your small finger around his curling it to snuggle tightly against his, "Promise."


I apologize for this being really short, and just wanted you all to know that I am probably writing another book (for Fire Emblem Fates, Just Incase your interested ;)), so just be aware of that, and chapters might be later than usual (?? Hopefully that makes sense).

Besides that, thanks for reading (='∀`)

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