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I stood on the small stage in the bookstore, shelves filled with my most recent publication on either side of me. I was answering questions about my book, smiling at the teenagers that sat in front of me.
"Uh, yeah, you. With the orange sweater," I pointed out.
"Hi, um...I really loved how the book talked about soulmates. You described love in a really cool way and I was just wondering..how do you know so much about love?" she asked.
I smiled and chuckled as I looked down at the beautiful wedding ring on my finger.
"Well, I'm gonna need to sit down for this one," I joked, which earned a few laughs from the audience.
"Well, to be honest with you, I used to know absolutely nothing about love. That is, until I started dating my boyfriend, who I'm happy to say is now my husband. One of the most important things about love and soulmates is that if you really truly love someone, then go get them. Don't sit around thinking about what could go wrong or why they aren't worth it. If you love them, they are worth it. A couple years ago, I was dating someone and my husband was dating someone else. Now, my husband and I have been best friends since we've been six years old, but that's not the point. Anyways, when we weren't dating each other, we were both at really low points. We both knew deep inside that we were meant for each other. I was so close to giving up on him, I really was. But I didn't. I never gave up on him and I fought for his love and now I have the most amazing husband in the whole world. I've learned so much about love from him. I didn't understand what true love was until I had to fight for it," I explained, thinking about Daniel the whole time.
"Okay, one more question. Um..you in the blue shirt," I picked.
"So, who is your husband? You talk about him like he's a million dollars, so he must be special," she commented.
"Well, he's certainly special," I giggled, thinking about all of the stupid, quirky things that Daniel does.
Daniel is currently on tour, so he couldn't be here today.
"His name is Daniel. He's a singer, he's in a band. He couldn't be here today because he is on tour right now. I miss him a lot right now, I haven't seen him in almost four months," I explained.
I was about to start talking, but I was scared by someone yelling "Boo" from behind me. I turned around and almost pissed myself.
There stood my Daniel.
"Shut up. What the hell are you doing here, Daniel?" I shrieked.
I dropped the microphone and ran into his arms, letting him pick me up and spin me around. The crowd awwed as we shared a kiss.
"I missed you and I know today is a big day for you, so I wasn't just going to miss it," he said quietly.
I answered a few more questions before everyone left, leaving me and Daniel alone.
"I heard what you said about how you know so much about love. I'm glad you never gave up on my dumbass," he said.
"I'm glad too. We've accomplished a lot together and we still have so much to do together," I smiled.
"You're right...like....starting a family," he suggested.
I wanted to start a family a little while ago, but we held off because Daniel was leaving for tour.
"I've only got two weeks of tour left and then I'm all yours. So, I think we've got the greenlight to make that baby you keep talking about," he whispered.
I bit on my bottom lip and smiled. I've been waiting forever to have kids with Daniel.
"I love you in this life and the next. You're my soulmate, y'know, my best friend that I kiss and stuff," I recited the line from when we were ten years old.
"I love you for infinity. I'll always be your best friend that you kiss and stuff."
We both laughed and connected our lips like we would until death do us apart.

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