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I took deep breaths as I listened to the sound of seagulls and waves crashing. I've been here, preparing my speech for about an hour and a half. Daniel is on his way right now, I told him that we need to talk.
I think he knows what's coming. I know what I want to say, but I'm scared that he's going to yell. I'm most afraid of losing him because even though we aren't like we used to be, I still need my best friend in my life.
I suddenly felt a presence beside me and I turned to see a tired looking Daniel.
Silence overtook us. Neither of us wanted to start this conversation because we know the end result.
"I..I just want to get through this without an argument. I hate fighting with you, I really do, but it seems like you don't understand," I started.
"No, Charlie, I understand, but I really don't want to understand. I get that you're with Zach, I get that we can't be like we used to be, I get that we don't work, I get that we need to move on, but I don't want to get it," he admitted.
My heart suddenly started to ache for him. I completely understand where he is coming from because I don't want to get it either, but it just has to be this way. It's time.
I stuck my hand out for his and he grabbed it, his grip on mine tight.
"I understand where you're coming from, believe me, I really do. It's just...it's just time that we put everything behind and move on, y'know?" I said softly, remembering what Corbyn and Skylar had said.
"Yeah, um..yeah, I get it, Char, I really do. I just miss you a lot sometimes," he said, his beautiful eyes glossing over, which caused me to get choked up as well.
"Fuck, Daniel, don't make me cry. I miss you too, all the time," I said, letting him wrap his arm around me and pull me close to his body.
"Remember that time in fourth grade when we went snow tubing together and my tube flipped and I face planted in the snow? You laughed at me! Some friend you are," he laughed.
"Hey, you dared me to eat that shit you cooked one time and I was sick for days!" I shot back, reminiscing on the days when we were little.
"Oh, shut the hell up, I took care of you when you were sick," he defended.
"Yeah, you always did. You were the best Daniel. You still are," I whispered.
I leaned up and gently kissed his cheek, which caused us both to get teary eyed. I hugged his trembling body as we cried into each other's shoulders. We were both a mess of emotions, the only thing we needed was comfort from each other.
We ended up getting ice cream and watching the sunset together. Now, we were walking up to our cars, getting ready to go our separate ways.
"Hey, um, I love you," I said as we stopped at our cars.
"I love you too," he nodded.
I smiled and reached out for his hand, which he gladly gave me.
"Look, I know things are going to be different, but I still expect picnics with you," I pointed my finger at him.
"I can't imagine a world without our picnics," he laughed.
I smiled and brought him in for a long hug, our faces buried in each other's necks. When I pulled back, I caressed his cheek and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.
"One goodbye kiss?" he pleaded, staring into my eyes longingly.
I nodded and allowed him to lean down and give me one long, gentle kiss. We broke apart and hugged one more time before getting in our cars and going our separate ways.

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