14 ~ Sunsets and Ice Cream ~

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Logan and Virgil were on a walk, they needed it after the few days they had.

Logan looked up at the sky, the sunset was red and orange, as you looked a little farther, you could see the sky turn into a deep blue with a few stars sprinkled here and there. The sun was lowering, silhouetting the isle, making it look even darker and more eery than it normally was.

He then turned his head to the ice-cream shop they were passing by, a little girl wearing a white and pink butterfly dress was covered in strawberry ice-cream as her mother tried desperately to clean her up, yet still managing to keep the sincere smile on her face as the little girl giggled and took another bite of her melting dessert.

These things never happened at the isle. The sunsets were always dull and un exciting to say the least, and they never had sweet treats to eat while laughing with their families. It made Logan wish he could have taken his little sister to auradon with him. She would have absolutely loved everything it had to offer.

He realised that he was staring into the window of the ice-cream shop and quickly adverted his gaze back to the front, when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Logan! Virgil! Hiya!" Patton caught both the young males attentions and he waved excitedly, next to him was a smiling Roman, who waved his hand slightly at the two Villain kids.

"Hello Patton, what are you doing here?" Logan asked, he and Virgil had both stopped to look at the cheery boy and his brother.

"We were just going to get some Ice-cream! Care to join us?" Patton asked as he adjusted his glasses, Roman smirked as if he knew something that Logan didn't and tilted his head slightly, as if to ask the question as well.

Logan and Virgil both turned toward each other, have a silent conversation, before Virgil sighed and nodded to Logan.

"I don't see why not, we can accompany you to a frozen cream dessert." He said to the shorter boy, who smiled slightly, "That sure is a funny way to say ice cream." He laughed and led the way into the ice cream parlour.

(Banana Pancakes Just came on and the vibes are amazing)

The parlour was small, and family owned, it had about 15 flavours in glass containers that could only be entered from the back, the walls were covered in a pink and purple swirling pattern and light up signs were scattered everywhere on the walls. It had a retro theme to it with an old jukebox in the corner and pink and purple striped booths all around.

Logan and Virgil looked at the flavours, they had never had anything more that Vanilla and the aroma of all of the different fruity and chocolaty desserts were a little overwhelming.

Patton's eyes lit up as he saw his favourite flavour, and Logan smiled a little at the very happy boy. Patton looked at Logan and his smile widened, "I love Rainbow Sherbet it's so good!" He jumped up and down slightly.

"I have never had it." He said in his normal monotone voice, however it was clear that he was enjoying the idea of trying a new ice cream flavour.

Roman looked at him in disbelief, then thought about it for a second, before finally saying, "I think that you would like red velvet brownie more than rainbow sherbet." Then he turned to Virgil, "I think you would like Black Cherry."

Virgil considered it, all things aside he did love the taste of anything cherry, and it looked really cool with a black tint, "That sounds like an interesting ice cream, I'll try it Princey."
'You are falling hard you doofus, push him away before it's too late.' Virgil pushed his thoughts aside, he wasn't falling for the prince, not in the slightest.

Logan looked at Roman, "Why do you hypothesise I would enjoy a chocolate ice cream?"

Roman shrugged and looked at the ice creams again, "You just seem like someone who would." He then turned his direction to Virgil, "I didn't hurt you, did I, today with the fight?"

Virgils face suddenly became a light pink, and he prayed that the place foundation he was wearing would cover it. "No," he waved his arm dismissively, "you're good, you didn't hurt me."

Roman let out a breath of relief, "Good, sometimes during fights I get too caught up in winning, you could probably tell." He put a hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

Virgil nodded, it made sense, that's why he said... that. Virgil turned his head back to the ice cream flavours, in the background he could hear Roman ordering the four desserts, but he wasn't really focussing on that, he was focussing more on the music in the background.

He didn't recognise the song, as he had never heard it in his life, but he liked the melody and words of the music.

Are you lonely?
Our fingers dancing where they meet.
You seem so lonely,
I'll be the only dream you seek.

Roman finished ordering and smiled widely, "I love this song!" He started singing the song quietly.

"So if you're lonely, darling your glowing, if you're lonely, come be lonely with me."

'Damn it, even his singing is amazing.' Virgil couldn't help but smile slightly at the taller boy. He was swaying back and forth to the song, his hair was in its normal state, although slightly tossed around during the day. He had a soft smile on his lips as he sang the song by memory.

'You are making it so hard to not like you, Princey.' Virgil thought as he watched the sight a little longer, before Roman took the ice creams and gave it to everyone.

"Let's go outside!" Patton suggested as he took his sherbet happily.

"I don't see why not." Logan said taking his own ice cream, he decided to get what Roman suggested to him.

Everyone followed the happy Patton out of the ice cream shop, who decided that they could eat the ice cream by the beach, to watch the sunset.

No one disagreed with him so he walked there until he could feel the soft sand under his feet.

Roman sat so he was next to Virgil, who bit his ice cream with his front teeth.

"You, are a monster." Roman said, half joking.

"Thank you, also why am I a monster?" Virgil asked, looking back at the sunset, which was now a deeper orange and red mix, looking like a bonfire during a camping trip.

"You just bit your ice cream! No sane person does that!"

Virgil shrugged, and licked his ice cream, "I never said I was sane Princey."

"Okay you have to come up with a better nickname than Princey." Roman laughed as he looked around the beach, it wasn't that late, maybe about 6 o'clock, but the beach was almost completely empty, only a few adults here and there and the four teenagers by the shore.

"I could call you Romano Cheese." Virgil said, turning his head to the prince, who was pretending to be offended.

"I am not! That's- stick to Princey." He said, trying to hold back a smile, but failing.

"Exactly." He took another bite of his ice cream and turned to face the sunset, which was now barely a sunset, it was a deep red shifting into a dark blue, the stars were now scattered everywhere.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, the black cherry stains your mouth black for like... three days." Roman said, starting to laugh because Virgils whole face morph from a confident smirk to total shock and anger.

The purple haired boy punched the prince in the arm jokingly, "I can't believe you! You suck." His voice showed anger but the smile on his face reassured Roman that he wasn't really upset.

When they were done laughing, Virgil looked back at the sky, stars were now littered everywhere, and the dark blue seemed almost magical.

It was perfect.

Everything was going to be okay.

"What are you doing, Virgilious, you're getting distracted."

- - - -

A/N: Did you miss me?!? Gotta love fluff! But what was that at the end?!?! You'll find out soon enough... okay, love ya!


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