6 ~ First Day and Magical Abilities ~

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Logan looked at himself in the mirror, he was wearing his normal outfit, only a little less crazy, and it was definitely a better quality.

Patton got Logan and Virgil new clothing, but Virgil was too stubborn to wear the clothing he had gotten, when Logan asked, Virgil only said, "I don't want to be a pretentious prick like the rest of these snobby kids." So Logan didn't ask him after that.
Logan scanned Virgil and Logans schedule:

First period: control of magical powers
Second period: algebra 1
Third period: use of potions and chemicals (chemistry)
Fourth period: history
Fifth period: lunch/ break
Sixth period: English-language arts
Seventh period: proper etiquette of an Auradon child

Virgil was leaning over Logan's shoulder, when he pointed to seventh period,
"Hey! What the hell is this?"

Logan straightened his tie getting ready to answer Virgil's question,
"I think that for the other Auradon kids, it would be their elective, but we don't get one, instead we need to take a class on etiquette, so we can act more like the kids here."

Virgil huffed in annoyance, "I don't want to act like the kids here, like I said, total snobs."
Logan only sighed and shook his head, almost impressed by how closed-minded his friend was.

Logan and Virgil were walking to their first class, Control of magical powers, whatever that meant, Logan had hoped that it was as easy as the other classes seemed.

But when they got in there, it was clear that wasn't the case.

The room was painted gray with light blue circles around the whole room, each table had four spots, great, partner work would probably be expected.

The room fell silent as soon as Logan and Virgil walked in, everyone seeming to stop in their tracks. The teacher spoke up, "Hello Mr. Emmit and Mr. Helum, we're glad to see you join this class, please, take a seat next to Prince Roman and Patton."

Logan nodded and Virgil rolled his eyes, Virgil wasn't going to give in to Auradon so quickly.

The teacher spoke up again, "This class, as most of you know, is for your special abilities that you have..."

But the teacher was cut of by someone in the back of the class, "Unless you're an Isle kid!"

Everyone started to laugh, but when Logan looked over, Patton seemed upset at the kid, although, Roman was trying his hardest to suppress a laugh.

Logan looked at the kid, he was slim with dirty blonde hair, and freckles all over his face. The definition of cocky royalty, maybe Virgil was right.

Logan looked at Virgil who seemed to be fuming, "Wanna bet?" Virgil said, standing up and slamming his hands on the table, the smile the boy had quickly disappeared in to fear as soon as Virgil stood up, and the teacher had to interfere.

"Mr. Sunge and Mr. Emmit, please control yourself's. While we don't know if the Isle kids have the special abilities you guys posses, they very well may have them. We will see."

Virgil sat down, glaring at the kid, before turning to Logan, who shook his head in disapproval. Logan turned back to the teacher who asked Roman, to come and show some control in his powers.

Logan went wide-eyed at Roman, because shocks of electricity were appearing around his hands, and he aimed at a target right above Virgil, clearly trying to scare him.

Logan knew that Virgil was going to get him back for that.

Everyone clapped for Roman, one, because he was very trained in his skills, and two, he was Prince, after all. Everyone started to work on their own powers, super strength, speed, and teleportation, just to name a few. Logan turned to Patton, "So, what can you do Prince Patton?"

Patton smiled, "Uh, it's kind of... weird..."  Patton trailed off.

"Well I don't think it will be any weirder than anything else I have seen today." Logan gestured to the room.

"You're gonna have to... know you're thoughts, intentions, dreams, feelings..."

Logan looked at the boy, Logan didn't really have anything to hide, so he allowed it, and Patton signaled for Logan to hold out his hand, which he did.

Logan felt himself disappear into nothing, and then suddenly, everything was happening at once, how he felt, his past, his present, something he could only describe as hid future, and when Patton let go of him, he felt like he was going to pass out.

"I told you it was weird... I can know everyone's emotions, feelings, everything."

Patton wasn't in his happy mood when he was talking, but when his sentence stopped, there was suddenly a bright smile plastered onto his face.

Logan adjusted his glasses, "That's actually a very interesting power, Patton. I'm intrigued to see what they may become."

Patton nodded and smiled. Logan then turned his head to see Virgil, who was reading a leather journal, Logan knew he recognized it from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

The teacher called for the class to settle down again, probably getting into a mini lesson he had for the day.

"I'm going to help you harness your powers, and use them properly. Does anyone have any questions?"

Virgil raised his hand, not waiting for the teacher to call on him, he just started talking, "Yeah I got a question, if we were to have these 'powers' how would someone be able to bring them to themselves."

The teacher sighed, slightly annoyed at Virgil, Virgil only smirked at the sigh.

"Well everyone who has discovered their powers, got them when they were very young, but, I do not that a lot of them have been brought to peoples attention from experiences that have extreme emotions."

Virgil nodded and turned to Logan, who nodded back at him.

The class was boring and plain, because Logan and Virgil didn't have powers to try and harness, so they mostly just sat there and watched the powers that folded before them.

then the bell rang, signalling an end to the very, very, boring class.

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