Chapter 10 [~|~] The Trials

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A.N. Disclaimer: I literally know nothing about geology so forgive me for my subpar explanations below. 

As she was caught up in her thoughts, Azara noticed the doors to their cell opening and several soldiers walking into the chamber. "Get up," they stated gruffly as Azara sat up and Katara and Sokka were roused from their sleep. Deciding to save her strength for now, Azara allowed the guards to drag her into the throne room.

Katara, Sokka, and Azara were pulled off to the side, before a wall of earth rose out of the air, blocking their view of the throne room. "What's going on?" Azara asked the guards.

"Quiet," the guard snapped as they waited for some signal. They stood in silence for a moment before the sound of Aang yelling at the king echoed around them. The door of earth opened as two guards grabbed Katara and Sokka. Azara lunged for them but was quickly grabbed by two guards.

"Let me go!" Azara yelled, but their grip only tightened. They dragged her out of the cove and towards a pillar in the corner of the room.

"I thought you might refuse, so I will give your friends some special souvenirs," the king chuckled, motioning towards Katara and Sokka. The guards forcefully placed rings on a finger of their hands as Azara continued to be dragged towards the pillar. "Those delightful rings are made of pure jennamite, also known as creeping crystal. It's a crystal that grows remarkably fast. By nightfall, your friends will be completely covered in it."

"What about Azara?" Aang demanded as Azara stared up at the pillar. The first thing she noticed was the scorch marks all over the pillar, particularly around the rectangular opening directly in front of her. She started to struggle harder, but the guards didn't let her go.

"We have a special treat for firebenders in Omashu. Sliding sandstone," the king smiled as Azara groaned in frustration, her muscles straining against the larger guards. She grunted as her hands were forced into the opening, earth quickly moving to encase her hands in the pillar. Azara yelled out as she tried to pull her hands free. The king snapped his fingers and suddenly the pillar started to shake.

Azara continued to struggle as the sound of something tumbling down the chute echoed around the room. She gasped in shock as her hands were suddenly covered in a sticky, glue-like mass. The earth receded from around her hands as the guards returned to her side. Staring at her hands, Azara's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the tan substance currently encasing her hands.

"What is this?" Azara asked, looking up at the king with fear in her eyes, but the man simply ignored her as the guards dragged her back over to Sokka and Katara.

"Are you alright?" Katara asked as the tan goop on Azara's hands started to move.

"It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't look good either," Azara shrugged, fear creeping up her spine as the tan mass moved over her wrists. "So, how are we going to get out of these?"

"I can stop it, but only if you cooperate," the king spoke, his gaze directed at Aang.

"I'll do what you want," Aang agreed as the king smirked.

They were whisked into a room with stalagmites and stalactites and a waterfall at the center of the room. A key hung from a chain under the waterfall, effectively unreachable if one attempted to climb the ladder up to it. Azara scrunched her nose in distaste as the sliding sandstone reached her chest. Sokka and Katara were in similar positions as Aang successfully retrieved the key with a stalagmite.

"How are you guys doing?" Azara questioned, looking over at Sokka and Katara.

"The crystals are creeping, I guess," Sokka shrugged as his arm remained encased in crystals. Azara sighed and tried to firebend again, but it only served to harden the rock and cause it to move faster.

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