Chapter TwentyNine

Start from the beginning

"Speaking of guys, what's been going on with you and Kayden?" she asked, giving me her full attention now.

I shrugged and rested my head on her shoulder. "We're just chilling. Nothing new."

"You two have been spending a lot of time together."

"We've just become close."

Brooks hummed. "Do you like him?"

"Hm. Yeah."

She jolted dramatically, knocking my head off her shoulder. "You didn't deny it this time?!"

"No matter what I say, you guys seem to think I do, so what's the point?"

"Bitch, if you like him, then what're you doing?"

I watched her blankly. "I have to do something?"

"Have you let Kayden know?"

I flopped back on the pillow instead, well away from Brooklyn's vibrating energy. "He already knows."

Brooklyn screeched. "This is big! So have you two...?" She made obscene gestures with her fingers, and I laughed.

"Nah." Which annoyed the hell out of me, considering. When I first met Kayden, he was the one practically begging to sleep with me. And now the tables had turned. I never would've seen it coming. "We've done other stuff."

Her eyes bugged. "Like what?" Before I could answer, she leaned closer. "Oh my God, has he licked you out?"

The image of Kayden's head between my legs, licking my centre which was covered by the lingerie that he forced me to wear as part of our bet, quickly flashed through my mind. I swallowed hard at the memory.

"No," I eventually answered.



Brooklyn squealed and hugged me as if I'd just told her I was engaged. Still, it made me laugh at how excited she was for me. Of all my friends, Brooklyn was the most angered by Leon's cheating—no wonder she rooted for Kayden so hard.

"How long's this been going on for?"

I shrugged. "Few months?"

"I can't believe you didn't say anything."

"My bad. Forgot to broadcast it in school when it first happened."

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. We all saw it coming, anyway. No point hiding it."

"Hm, fair enough." I shut my eyes, succumbing to the tiredness I'd been feeling all day.

The weight on the mattress shifted as Brooklyn straddled me. I opened my eyes to see her beaming down at me. "You know what this means, right?"

"Do I?" I asked, coiling back. Her wide smile bordered on creepy.

"Kayden's your fuck buddy."

"We haven't had sex–"

"But eventually you will. Y'know how many girls would want to be in your position?"

I frowned. Having Kayden as a friend with benefits might seem cool now, but with my growing feelings for him, it could only end badly. I've told him so often that I didn't want to be with him, but that was only to protect my peace. But what if Kayden found someone new? I'd lose him as a friend and confidant. He was the only person who could handle me emotionally and physically. Did I really want to throw that away?

Plus, how long could we keep up this 'friends' act when everything we did was anything but? I never intended to jump into another relationship so soon, but maybe being with Kayden made enough sense that I didn't have to think about it that way. Nothing would change, right? We'd still be the same. Just the title would change.

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